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add sm-ripext extension
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altair-sossai committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent 5d92b8c commit b3dac04
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Showing 6 changed files with 3,959 additions and 0 deletions.
3,174 changes: 3,174 additions & 0 deletions addons/sourcemod/configs/ripext/ca-bundle.crt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added addons/sourcemod/extensions/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added addons/sourcemod/extensions/x64/
Binary file not shown.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#if defined _ripext_included_
#define _ripext_included_

#include <ripext/json>
#include <ripext/http>

* Do not edit below this line!
public Extension __ext_rip =
name = "REST in Pawn",
file = "rip.ext",
autoload = 1,
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
359 changes: 359 additions & 0 deletions addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/ripext/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
enum HTTPStatus
HTTPStatus_Invalid = 0,

// 1xx Informational
HTTPStatus_Continue = 100,
HTTPStatus_SwitchingProtocols = 101,

// 2xx Success
HTTPStatus_OK = 200,
HTTPStatus_Created = 201,
HTTPStatus_Accepted = 202,
HTTPStatus_NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203,
HTTPStatus_NoContent = 204,
HTTPStatus_ResetContent = 205,
HTTPStatus_PartialContent = 206,

// 3xx Redirection
HTTPStatus_MultipleChoices = 300,
HTTPStatus_MovedPermanently = 301,
HTTPStatus_Found = 302,
HTTPStatus_SeeOther = 303,
HTTPStatus_NotModified = 304,
HTTPStatus_UseProxy = 305,
HTTPStatus_TemporaryRedirect = 307,
HTTPStatus_PermanentRedirect = 308,

// 4xx Client Error
HTTPStatus_BadRequest = 400,
HTTPStatus_Unauthorized = 401,
HTTPStatus_PaymentRequired = 402,
HTTPStatus_Forbidden = 403,
HTTPStatus_NotFound = 404,
HTTPStatus_MethodNotAllowed = 405,
HTTPStatus_NotAcceptable = 406,
HTTPStatus_ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407,
HTTPStatus_RequestTimeout = 408,
HTTPStatus_Conflict = 409,
HTTPStatus_Gone = 410,
HTTPStatus_LengthRequired = 411,
HTTPStatus_PreconditionFailed = 412,
HTTPStatus_RequestEntityTooLarge = 413,
HTTPStatus_RequestURITooLong = 414,
HTTPStatus_UnsupportedMediaType = 415,
HTTPStatus_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
HTTPStatus_ExpectationFailed = 417,
HTTPStatus_MisdirectedRequest = 421,
HTTPStatus_TooEarly = 425,
HTTPStatus_UpgradeRequired = 426,
HTTPStatus_PreconditionRequired = 428,
HTTPStatus_TooManyRequests = 429,
HTTPStatus_RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431,
HTTPStatus_UnavailableForLegalReasons = 451,

// 5xx Server Error
HTTPStatus_InternalServerError = 500,
HTTPStatus_NotImplemented = 501,
HTTPStatus_BadGateway = 502,
HTTPStatus_ServiceUnavailable = 503,
HTTPStatus_GatewayTimeout = 504,
HTTPStatus_HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505,
HTTPStatus_VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506,
HTTPStatus_NotExtended = 510,
HTTPStatus_NetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511,

typeset HTTPRequestCallback
function void (HTTPResponse response, any value);
function void (HTTPResponse response, any value, const char[] error);

typeset HTTPFileCallback
function void (HTTPStatus status, any value);
function void (HTTPStatus status, any value, const char[] error);

methodmap HTTPRequest < Handle
// Creates an HTTP request.
// The Handle is automatically freed when the request is performed.
// Otherwise, the Handle must be freed via delete or CloseHandle().
// @param url URL to the REST API endpoint.
public native HTTPRequest(const char[] url);

// Appends a parameter to the form data.
// The parameter name and value are encoded according to RFC 3986.
// @param name Parameter name.
// @param format Formatting rules.
// @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
public native void AppendFormParam(const char[] name, const char[] format, any ...);

// Appends a query parameter to the URL.
// The parameter name and value are encoded according to RFC 3986.
// @param name Parameter name.
// @param format Formatting rules.
// @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
public native void AppendQueryParam(const char[] name, const char[] format, any ...);

// Sets the credentials for HTTP Basic authentication.
// @param username Username to use.
// @param password Password to use.
public native void SetBasicAuth(const char[] username, const char[] password);

// Sets an HTTP header.
// @param name Header name.
// @param format Formatting rules.
// @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
public native void SetHeader(const char[] name, const char[] format, any ...);

// Performs an HTTP GET request.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void Get(HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP POST request.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param data JSON data to send.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void Post(JSON data, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP PUT request.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param data JSON data to send.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void Put(JSON data, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP PATCH request.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param data JSON data to send.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void Patch(JSON data, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP DELETE request.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void Delete(HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Downloads a file.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param path File path to write to.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the download has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void DownloadFile(const char[] path, HTTPFileCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Uploads a file.
// This function performs an HTTP PUT request. The file contents are sent in the request body.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param path File path to read from.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the upload has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void UploadFile(const char[] path, HTTPFileCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP POST request with form data.
// This function closes the request Handle after completing.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
public native void PostForm(HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Connect timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10.
property int ConnectTimeout {
public native get();
public native set(int connectTimeout);

// Maximum number of redirects to follow. Defaults to 5.
property int MaxRedirects {
public native get();
public native set(int maxRedirects);

// Maximum download speed in bytes per second. Defaults to unlimited speed.
property int MaxRecvSpeed {
public native get();
public native set(int maxSpeed);

// Maximum upload speed in bytes per second. Defaults to unlimited speed.
property int MaxSendSpeed {
public native get();
public native set(int maxSpeed);

// Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
property int Timeout {
public native get();
public native set(int timeout);

methodmap HTTPResponse
// Retrieves an HTTP header from the response.
// @param name Header name.
// @param buffer String buffer to store value.
// @param maxlength Maximum length of the string buffer.
// @return True on success, false if the header was not found.
public native bool GetHeader(const char[] name, char[] buffer, int maxlength);

// Retrieves the JSON data of the response.
// @error Invalid JSON response.
property JSON Data {
public native get();

// Retrieves the HTTP status of the response.
property HTTPStatus Status {
public native get();

// Deprecated. Use HTTPRequest instead.
methodmap HTTPClient < Handle
// Creates an HTTP client.
// The HTTPClient must be freed via delete or CloseHandle().
// @param baseURL Base URL to the REST API.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest instead.
public native HTTPClient(const char[] baseURL);

// Sets an HTTP header to be used for all requests.
// @param name Header name.
// @param value String value to set.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.SetHeader() instead.
public native void SetHeader(const char[] name, const char[] value);

// Performs an HTTP GET request.
// @param endpoint API endpoint to request.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.Get() instead.
public native void Get(const char[] endpoint, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP POST request.
// @param endpoint API endpoint to request.
// @param data JSON data to send.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.Post() instead.
public native void Post(const char[] endpoint, JSON data, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP PUT request.
// @param endpoint API endpoint to request.
// @param data JSON data to send.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.Put() instead.
public native void Put(const char[] endpoint, JSON data, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP PATCH request.
// @param endpoint API endpoint to request.
// @param data JSON data to send.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.Patch() instead.
public native void Patch(const char[] endpoint, JSON data, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Performs an HTTP DELETE request.
// @param endpoint API endpoint to request.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the request has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.Delete() instead.
public native void Delete(const char[] endpoint, HTTPRequestCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Downloads a file.
// @param endpoint API endpoint to download from.
// @param path File path to write to.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the download has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.DownloadFile() instead.
public native void DownloadFile(const char[] endpoint, const char[] path, HTTPFileCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Uploads a file.
// This function performs an HTTP PUT request. The file contents are sent in the request body.
// @param endpoint API endpoint to upload to.
// @param path File path to read from.
// @param callback A function to use as a callback when the upload has finished.
// @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.UploadFile() instead.
public native void UploadFile(const char[] endpoint, const char[] path, HTTPFileCallback callback, any value = 0);

// Connect timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.ConnectTimeout instead.
property int ConnectTimeout {
public native get();
public native set(int connectTimeout);

// Follow HTTP 3xx redirects. Defaults to true.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.MaxRedirects instead.
property bool FollowLocation {
public native get();
public native set(bool followLocation);

// Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.Timeout instead.
property int Timeout {
public native get();
public native set(int timeout);

// Maximum upload speed in bytes per second. Defaults to unlimited speed.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.MaxSendSpeed instead.
property int MaxSendSpeed {
public native get();
public native set(int speed);

// Maximum download speed in bytes per second. Defaults to unlimited speed.
#pragma deprecated Use HTTPRequest.MaxRecvSpeed instead.
property int MaxRecvSpeed {
public native get();
public native set(int speed);

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