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ALTCHA Analytics Tracker

This repository contains the front-end library for collecting analytics data with ALTCHA Analytics.

Why ALTCHA Analytics?

ALTCHA Analytics provides a privacy-first, GDPR-compliant alternative to traditional analytics platforms like Google Analytics. Unlike most other services, it operates without cookies or fingerprinting, ensuring that all data is anonymized by default.

Key Features:

  • Compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR regulations
  • No cookies or fingerprinting required
  • Flexible: Use for web, app, or API analytics
  • Customizable event tracking and properties
  • Lightweight (~4kB gzipped)

Installation & Usage

You can integrate ALTCHA Analytics in two ways:

  1. Module (Recommended for modern frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular)
  2. Script Tag (Simple HTML inclusion)

1. Module Installation (Preferred for Frameworks)

Install via npm:

npm install @altcha/tracker

Initialize the tracker in your app:

import { Tracker } from '@altcha/tracker';

const tracker = new Tracker({
  projectId: 'pro_...',

2. Script Tag Integration

Simply add the following snippet to your HTML:


Make sure to replace "pro_..." with your unique projectId.


The Tracker class constructor accepts the following configuration options:

  • allowSearchParams?: string[] – By default, the script removes all query parameters (those after ? in the URL). Use this option to whitelist specific parameters that should be tracked.
  • apiUrl?: string – Override the default API URL for reporting events.
  • appVersion?: string – Track the version of your application (max 12 characters).
  • click?: IBaseExtensionOptions | boolean – Disable or configure the click extension (see below for details).
  • cookie?: ICookieExtensionOptions | boolean – Disable or configure the cookie extension.
  • debug?: boolean – Enable debug mode for logging.
  • globalName?: string | null | false – Override the default global variable name for the Tracker instance. Set to null to skip global registration.
  • hash?: IBaseExtensionOptions | boolean – Disable or configure the hash extension.
  • keyboard?: IBaseExtensionOptions | boolean – Disable or configure the keyboard extension.
  • mouse?: IBaseExtensionOptions | boolean – Disable or configure the mouse extension.
  • projectId: string – Required ALTCHA project ID (format: pro_{unique_id}).
  • pushstate?: IBaseExtensionOptions | boolean – Disable or configure the pushstate extension.
  • respectDnt?: boolean – When true, the tracker will not report any events if the user's browser is configured with Do Not Track or globalPrivacyControl.
  • uniqueId?: string – Provide the user's unique ID, if applicable, to track returning visitors.
  • visibility?: IVisibilityExtensionOptions | boolean – Disable or configure the visibility extension.

These options can also be provided as attributes in the <script> tag, for example: data-project-id="pro_...".

Example Configuration:

new Tracker({
  projectId: 'pro_...',
  appVersion: 'v1.0.1',
  debug: true,
  respectDnt: true,
  allowSearchParams: ['page_id'],

HTML Example Configuration:



Tracking features are provided through "extensions," which can be individually enabled or disabled depending on your needs and privacy concerns.


Enabled by default.

Tracks user mouse/pointer interactions, detecting exit events and outbound links.


Disabled by default.

The cookie extension tracks returning visitors by setting a small cookie (_altcha_visited=1) that expires in 30 days.

You can configure this extension with the following options:

new Tracker({
  projectId: '...',
  cookie: {
    // Cookie expiration in days
    cookieExpireDays: 30,
    // Cookie name
    cookieName: '_altcha_visited',
    // Cookie path (defaults to '/')
    cookiePath: '/',

Note: Enabling this extension may require user consent under GDPR.


Enabled by default.

Event filtering allows you to exclude events based on the user-agent, hostname, or a custom filter function. This helps you ensure only relevant events are tracked.

By default, the filtering extension ignores:

  • Bots and crawlers.
  • Private hostnames such as localhost,, and *.local.

You can also manually prevent your own events from being tracked by setting localStorage.altcha_ignore=true in the browser.

new Tracker({
  projectId: '...',
  filter: {
    // Set to true to allow reporting of events made by bots and crawlers (default: false).
    allowBots: true,
    // A custom function for additional event filtering. 
    // Return `false` to ignore the event, or `undefined` to continue with the built-in checks.
    checkFn: (event) => {
      return false;  // Example: Ignore all events.
    // An array of hostnames to ignore from tracking.
    // Override the default list of private hostnames.
    hostnames: ['localhost'],


Disabled by default.

Tracks the #hash part of the URL when using hash-based routing in your application.


Enabled by default.

Detects exit events triggered by keyboard shortcuts (e.g., closing the tab).


Enabled by default.

Detects exit events triggered by pointer (e.g., closing the tab using the mouse).


Enabled by default.

Automatically detects pageviews when history.pushState() is called. If disabled, use .trackPageview() or .trackEvent() to manually report events.


Enabled by default.

Tracks exit events when the tab/window is hidden during page unload.

Implementation Details

This script reports collected events in bulk when the page unloads, using the sendBeacon() function. You can configure the API endpoint via the apiUrl option.

Exit Events

Exit events are reported when the user leaves the website (e.g., by closing the tab or navigating elsewhere).
To track these events accurately, ensure the following extensions are enabled: click, keyboard, mouse, visibility. Disabling these will reduce the accuracy of visit duration data.

Respect for Privacy (Do Not Track)

If you respect users' privacy preferences and want to disable tracking when Do Not Track is enabled in the browser, you can set the respectDnt option to true.

new Tracker({
  projectId: '...',
  respectDnt: true, // disable tracking for users with Do Not Track enabled

Debug Mode

Enabling debug mode logs additional information to the browser console, which is helpful for development purposes.

new Tracker({
  projectId: '...',
  debug: true, // enable debug logging

API Reference

The following is a quick overview of the main methods available in the ALTCHA Analytics tracker:

  • trackPageview(event: IEvent, unload: boolean = false): Track page views.
  • trackEvent(event: IEvent, unload: boolean = false): Track custom events.
  • destroy(): Destroys the tracker instance.


For TypeScript types and interfaces, see /src/types.ts.


ALTCHA Analytics is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.