This is a template project for building games using Ansca Mobile's Corona SDK (
ORIGINAL TEMPLATE FROM Radamanthus Batnag Corona Game Template version 1.0
- (c) 2011 by Radamanthus Batnag
- (c) 2012 by Roman Neo with Alterant, Inc.
This is a template project for building games using Ansca Mobile's Corona SDK (
- This code incorporates with Director class by Ricardo Rauber rather using storyboard in Corona SDK
- Get rid of line of Director class from CREDIT
USAGE Out of the box, this is a working Corona project. It includes a splash screen (splash.lua, displays res/splash_screen.png for 1 second) and the following menu buttons:
- Play
- Settings
- Help
- About
Note the naming convention for button images: play.png is the button for Play, settings.png for Settings, etc.
The project directory structure follows my personal convention for projects:
appname +-- assets +-- appname +-- doc
- All code is in appname/appname.
- Game assets (e.g. Illustrator .ai files) are in appname/assets, finished PNGs are copied over to appname/appname because that's where Corona SDK expects them to be.
- The game design document (yes you should have one) and all other documentation are in appname/doc
The code includes some code adopted from the Ghosts vs. Monsters project by Beebe Games (
This code is MIT licensed, see