The ModelTester framework provides a flexible and comprehensive way to test various aspects of model classes in Java.
It supports testing of getter and setter methods, toString()
, equals()
, and hashCode()
You can also exclude specific testers, exclude certain methods, and supply custom instance creation logic.
Include the ModelTester framework in your project by adding it as a dependency in your pom.xml
Create a model class that you want to test. For example, let's consider a DummyClass:
public class DummyClass {
private int id;
private String name;
// ... getters, setters, equals, hashCode, and toString methods ...
Write unit tests for your model class using the ModelTester framework:
import at.altin.modeltester.ModelTester;
import at.altin.modeltester.tester.standard.EqualsTester;
public class DummyClassTest {
public void testModelClass() {
.exclude(EqualsTester.class) // Exclude EqualsTester for this test
.customTester(new CustomTester()) // Use a custom tester
private static class CustomTester implements Tester {
public void test(Object instance) {
// Implement custom testing logic
Run your unit tests using your preferred testing framework (e.g., JUnit, TestNG).
Use the forClass(Class<?> clazz) method to specify the class you want to test.
Use exclude(Class<? extends Tester> testerClass) to exclude specific testers.
Use customTester(Tester tester) to add custom testers.
Use instanceSupplier(Supplier<Object> supplier) to provide custom instance creation logic.
Use excludeStandardTesters() to remove standard testers for a specific test run.
Altin Kelmendi
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.