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To run the code you need a version of Julia installed, then you can make separate script, and run it as julia --project=. script.jl (add -t X if more than one trajectory is run as this will parallelize the rund, X is the number of threads) or line by line using the Julia vscode extension. Before you run the code follow the Instantite section below to setup the necessary packages.


To initialize the project run these comments inside the Julia REPL (From inside the project directory)

    import Pkg

For more information see:

Now all dependencies should be downloaded and the code is ready to be run.

Overview of code

Define a model by, e.g., for the Polyakov chain model; GaugeSQM.PolyakovChainModel(), where the first input is the group SU(N), which can be SU2 or SU3. Then make the regulator object that can contain a GaugeCooling type and a SynamicalStabilization type. Then solve system using the solve() function which takes as input the problem and the regulator object.

The ouput of this function is the action observable. TODO: Make it easier to return more observables, or all the configurations. (It is possible to change this to returning the unitarity norm, by changing the observable funciton in the "src/Model.jl" file)

TODO: Fix the line where we need to reshape the whole thing before plotting when using more than one trajectory.

Under is some example scripts:

Example 1

First example is to compare the fixed step-size explicit scheme to the implicit scheme

using GaugeSQM
using Plots

prob = GaugeSQM.PolyakovChainProblem(SU2;dt=1e-3,tspan=30.= 0.5*(1. + sqrt(3)*im), NLinks = 30, NTr=1)

noRegs = Regulators(NoGaugeCooling(), NoDynamicStabilization())

termTime = 2; saveat=1e-2
sol_E = solve(prob,gEM(),noRegs,saveat=saveat)
sol_I = solve(prob,gθEM(1.0),noRegs,saveat=saveat)
sol_E = reshape(sol_E[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)
sol_I = reshape(sol_I[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)

# We do a check if any trajectories have diverges or failed, then we get nan, 0 or a large number.
    _sol_I = sol_I[isnan.(sol_I) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_I) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_I) .!= 0.]
    _sol_E = sol_E[isnan.(sol_E) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_E) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_E) .!= 0.]
    NI = length(_sol_I)/length(sol_I)
    NE = length(_sol_E)/length(sol_E)
    @info "Explicit: $NE ratio of events expected, Implicit: $NI ratio of events expected" 
    fig = plot(;xlim=[-5,5],ylim=[1e-3,10],yaxis=:log)
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_I),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_I)),label="Implicit Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_I),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_I)),label="Implicit Im")
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_E),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_E)),label="Explicit Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_E),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_E)),label="Explicit Im")

Example 2

In this example we add adaptive stepsize and compare with and without gauge cooling, where the implciit scheme is without gauge cooling and the explicit is with gauge cooling;

using GaugeSQM
using Plots

prob = GaugeSQM.PolyakovChainProblem(SU2;dt=1e-3,tspan=30.= 0.5*(1. + sqrt(3)*im), NLinks = 30, NTr=10)

noRegs = Regulators(NoGaugeCooling(), NoDynamicStabilization())
regs_GC = Regulators(GaugeCooling(1.0,10), NoDynamicStabilization())

termTime = 2; saveat=1e-2
@time sol_E = solve(prob,gEM(),regs_GC,saveat=saveat)
@time sol_I_GC = solve(prob,gθEM(1.0),regs_GC,saveat=saveat)
@time sol_I = solve(prob,gθEM(1.0),noRegs,saveat=saveat)
sol_E = reshape(sol_E[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)
sol_I = reshape(sol_I[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)
sol_I_GC = reshape(sol_I_GC[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)

# We do a check if any trajectories have diverges or failed, then we get nan, 0 or a large number.
    _sol_I = sol_I[isnan.(sol_I) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_I) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_I) .!= 0.]
    _sol_I_GC = sol_I_GC[isnan.(sol_I_GC) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_I_GC) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_I_GC) .!= 0.]
    _sol_E = sol_E[isnan.(sol_E) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_E) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_E) .!= 0.]
    NI = length(_sol_I)/length(sol_I)
    NI_GC = length(_sol_I_GC)/length(sol_I_GC)
    NE = length(_sol_E)/length(sol_E)
    @info "Explicit with GC: $NE ratio of events expected, Implicit: $NI ratio of events expected, Implicit with GC: $NI_GC ratio of events expected" 
    fig = plot(;xlim=[-5,5],ylim=[1e-3,10],yaxis=:log)
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_I),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_I)),label="Implicit Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_I),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_I)),label="Implicit Im")
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_I_GC),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_I_GC)),label="Implicit GC Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_I_GC),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_I_GC)),label="Implicit GC Im")
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_E),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_E)),label="Explicit GC Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_E),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_E)),label="Explicit GC Im")

Example 2

In this example we add adaptive stepsize and compare with and without gauge cooling, where the implicit scheme is without gauge cooling and the explicit is with gauge cooling;

TODO: Fix bug where DS failes

using GaugeSQM
using Plots

prob = GaugeSQM.PolyakovChainProblem(SU2;dt=1e-3,tspan=30.= 0.5*(1. + sqrt(3)*im), NLinks = 30, NTr=10)

noRegs = Regulators(NoGaugeCooling(), NoDynamicStabilization())
regs_GC = Regulators(GaugeCooling(1.0,10), NoDynamicStabilization())
regs_GCAD = Regulators(GaugeCoolingAdaptive(1.0,0.8,10), NoDynamicStabilization())
regs_GC_DS = Regulators(GaugeCooling(1.0,1), DynamicStabilization(1.0))
regs_DS = Regulators(NoGaugeCooling(), DynamicStabilization(1.0))

termTime = 2; saveat=1e-2
@time sol_I = solve(prob,gθEM(1.0),noRegs,saveat=saveat)
@time sol_E_GC = solve(prob,gEM(),regs_GC,saveat=saveat)
@time sol_E_GCAD = solve(prob,gEM(),regs_GCAD,saveat=saveat)
@time sol_E_GC_DS = solve(prob,gEM(),regs_GC_DS,saveat=saveat)
@time sol_I_DS = solve(prob,gθEM(1.0),regs_DS,saveat=saveat)
sol_I = reshape(sol_I[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)
sol_E_GC = reshape(sol_E_GC[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)
sol_E_GCAD = reshape(sol_E_GCAD[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)
sol_E_GC_DS = reshape(sol_E_GC_DS[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)
sol_I_DS = reshape(sol_I_DS[:,floor(Int64,1/saveat)*termTime:end],:)

# We do a check if any trajectories have diverges or failed, then we get nan, 0 or a large number.
    _sol_I = sol_I[isnan.(sol_I) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_I) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_I) .!= 0.]
    _sol_E_GC = sol_E_GC[isnan.(sol_E_GC) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_E_GC) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_E_GC) .!= 0.]
    _sol_E_GCAD = sol_E_GCAD[isnan.(sol_E_GCAD) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_E_GCAD) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_E_GCAD) .!= 0.]
    _sol_E_GC_DS = sol_E_GC_DS[isnan.(sol_E_GC_DS) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_E_GC_DS) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_E_GC_DS) .!= 0.]
    _sol_I_DS = sol_I_DS[isnan.(sol_I_DS) .!= 1 .&& abs.(sol_I_DS) .< 100 .&& abs.(sol_I_DS) .!= 0.]
    NI = length(_sol_I)/length(sol_I)
    NE_GC = length(_sol_E_GC)/length(sol_E_GC)
    NE_GCAD = length(_sol_E_GCAD)/length(sol_E_GCAD)
    NE_GC_DS = length(_sol_E_GC_DS)/length(sol_E_GC_DS)
    NE_DS = length(_sol_I_DS)/length(sol_I_DS)
    @info "Implicit: $NI ratio of events expected, \n Explicit with GC: $NE_GC ratio of events expected, \n Explicit with adaptive GC: $NE_GCAD ratio of events expected, \n Explicit with adaptive GC and DS: $NE_GC_DS ratio of events expected, \n Implicit with DS: $NE_DS ratio of events expected" 
    fig = plot(;xlim=[-5,5],ylim=[1e-3,10],yaxis=:log)
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_I),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_I)),label="Implicit Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_I),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_I)),label="Implicit Im")
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_E_GC),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_E_GC)),label="Explicit GC Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_E_GC),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_E_GC)),label="Explicit GC Im")
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_E_GCAD),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_E_GCAD)),label="Explicit GCAD Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_E_GCAD),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_E_GCAD)),label="Explicit GCAD Im")
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_E_GC_DS),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_E_GC_DS)),label="Explicit GCAD DS Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_E_GC_DS),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_E_GC_DS)),label="Explicit GCAD DS Im")
    plot!(fig,real(_sol_I_DS),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(real(_sol_I_DS)),label="Implciit DS Re")
    plot!(fig,imag(_sol_I_DS),seriestype=:stephist, norm=true, bins=GaugeSQM.get_nr_bins(imag(_sol_I_DS)),label="Implicit DS Im")


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