Clean is good. Simple is cool.
public interface A {
String sayHi(String name);
Object giveMeSomething();
public class TestExtensionBeanADefault extends AbstractExtensionBeanA {
private SomePlainBean somePlainBean;
public Object giveMeSomething() {
return somePlainBean;
@ExtensionBean(forInterface = A.class, forCase = Case.CASE_COMPOUND),
@ExtensionBean(forInterface = B.class, forCase = Case.CASE_COMPOUND)
public class CompoundExtensionBean extends BaseBean implements A, B {
private SomePlainBean somePlainBean;
private A testExtensionBeanADefault;
public String sayHi(String name) {
return saySomething(name);
public Object giveMeSomething() {
return somePlainBean;
public String sayBye(String name) {
return saySomething(name);
public A ownsTheA() {
return testExtensionBeanADefault;
JDK1.8 往后的版本, 可以写的更随意些
Thanks to @Repeatable, it can be even easier since JDK1.8.
@ExtensionBean(forInterface = A.class, forCase = Case.CASE_COMPOUND),
@ExtensionBean(forInterface = B.class, forCase = Case.CASE_COMPOUND)
public class CompoundExtensionBean extends BaseBean implements A, B {
@EnableExtensionBean(basePackages = {"space.pgg.spring.extension", "packages.in.your.project"})
public class TestApplication {
错误事项 | 内容 |
Exception | space.pgg.spring.extension.exception.AnnotationConfigErrorException |
问题描述 | 扩展点配置错误 : 扩展点没有配置案例名称(case name) |
Description | Extension bean configuration error : case name must be configured |
处理方式 | 检查扩展点实现类的 @ExtensionBean 注解, 是否有配置 isDefault 或者 caseName |
how to fix | check the property caseName or isDefault in the annotation @ExtensionBean |
错误事项 | 内容 |
Exception | space.pgg.spring.extension.exception.AnnotationConfigErrorException |
问题描述 | 扩展点配置错误 : 案例名称(case name) 配置重复 |
Description | Extension bean configuration error : case name conflict |
处理方式 | 检查扩展点实现类 @ExtensionBean 的配置, 容器启动时找到多个相同 case name 的注解 |
how to fix | check the provided conflicting classes and give them proper case names |
错误事项 | 内容 |
Exception | space.pgg.spring.extension.exception.AnnotationConfigErrorException |
问题描述 | 扩展点配置错误 : 注解 @EnableExtension 未配置 scanBasePackages |
Description | property scanBasePackages in the annotation @EnableExtension is not configured |
处理方式 | 检查注解 @EnableExtension 中, scanBasePackages 的配置情况 |
how to fix | set the package path you need |
错误事项 | 内容 |
Exception | space.pgg.spring.extension.exception.ExtensionBeanNotFoundException |
问题描述 | 扩展点路由错误 : 未找到对应的扩展点 |
Description | extension bean was not found by the case name at runtime |
处理方式 | 此类问题是由于运行时无法找到对应的扩展点实现, 常见于如下两种情况 1. 检查接口是否有对应 case name 的扩展点实现 2. 如果有对应的扩展点实现, 再确认下是否在 @EnableExtension 的 scanBasePackages 范围内 |
how to fix | 1. check the @ExtensionBean configuration 2. make sure the property scanBasePackages in @EnableExtensionBean is correctly configured |
错误事项 | 内容 |
Exception | space.pgg.spring.extension.exception.AnnotationConfigErrorException |
问题描述 | 扩展点配置错误 : 扩展点接口一致性校验失败 |
Description | the extension interface that configured in the @ExtensionBean does not consist with the interface that the class implements |
处理方式 | 检查报错的扩展点是确有 继承/实现 @ExtensionBean 中指定的扩展点接口 |
how to fix | make sure that the property extensionInterface in @ExtensionBean consist with the interface that the extension bean implements |
错误事项 | 内容 |
Error Code | UNKNOWN_ERROR |
Exception | space.pgg.spring.extension.exception.UnknownException |
问题描述 | 未知错误 |
Description | unknown error |
处理方式 | 提交ISSUE, 附上相关的问题描述 & 堆栈信息 |
how to fix | report me an issue with detailed description and stacktrace |
- 0.1.0 记不清什么时候了 ( Sometime not sure )
- 有了一个初步的想法就写了一个 ( came up with some vague thoughts and just made it work )