A sick repo with killer Tailwind demos 😘
0 Tailwind Intro
- What is Tailwind CSS?
- Utility First vs Others
- When Tailwind isn’t the solution.
- Getting Started with Tailwind in your Angular Apps
1 Basics
- text basics: underline, italic, text color, weight, and size, white space no wrap, overflow wrap
- display and background colors
- Spacing Elements, margin & padding
- Reusable Styles with @apply
2 Layouts in Tailwind & Responsive Design
- Flexbox
- Grid
- Layouts with Tailwind
- Media Queries
3 An Animated Tailwind
- States (:hover) & Pseudo Selectors (:visited)
- Transforms, Transitions, & Animations
4 Custom Styles
- Arbitrary Values
- Customizing with the Tailwind Config file
- Adjusting the scale of font sizes, providing color themes and more!
5 Additional/Advanced Tailwind Concepts
- Functions & Directives
- Tailwind Plugins (Forms)
- Component Libraries & Tailwind
- Integrating Kendo UI with Tailwind
- How Tailwind Layers with Your Custom Branding and Style Systems
- Production Ready
Wrap Up
- Resources & Prize Winners 🎉