The Learn Hub is an application that incorporates the technologies of the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node). The app is designed with the goal of providing users with a list of courses they can choose from to learn. To access a course, users/students must fill out an application. Based on the requirements set by the course teacher, the student's application will be either approved or denied. Once approved, the student will see the course listed among their approved courses.
Courses are created by teachers, and only teachers have the ability to create courses that are available for students to access after submitting an application and receiving approval.
- The app is a full-stack, single-page application
- Incorporates technologies of the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js)
- Utilizes AJAX to communicate with the Express backend effectively
- Implements token-based authentication, providing users with features such as signup, login, and logout functionalities.
- React
- JavaScript
- Git/Github
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDb and Mongoose
Learn Hub - Live - Link to the deployed app on Heroku.
Trello Board - Link to the Trello board with the user stories, ERD and wireframes.
📊 ERD - Yi Chien Lee
🖼️ Wireframes - Natasha Rodic
👤 User Stories - Yassin Hajjej
- AAU: i will be welcomed in a sign in page with the choice to pick between login as a teacher or as a student.
- AAU teacher i will be able to create a lesson.
- AAU Teacher i will be able to approve students to the course.
- AAU Teacher i will be able to preform a full CRUD on a Course.
- AAU student i will be able to apply to courses.
- AAU Student i will be able to see courses i got approved to see.
- Integrate a Q&A functionality within the app's course section, enabling students or instructors to respond to the inquiries