- Search for Sales within a specific date range, View all the Sales DataFrames and get detailed view of each sale.
- Visualize the Sales using graphs (Bar, Pie, Line Chart) categorised either by Transaction id or Sales Date.
- Option of Uploading CSV file to input the Sale data and make reports.
- Reports section contains list of reports with the option of either viewing its details or converting it in a PDF.
- User profile, page which includes name, avatar, bio with an option of updating it.
- User Authentication for Login, Logout.
Install Report App by first cloning this repository.
Check out requirements.txt and install required files using pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Run using the command:
python manage.py runserver
Watch the implementation here: https://youtu.be/J1L-FTQImUQ
I learned to make this through a course developed by Pyplane.
- I focused on learning Python Django based part, and not much on HTML, CSS, JS.