Exploratory Data Analysis of YouTube Videos
Data collected from the (up to) 200 listed trending YouTube videos every day in the US and the UK.
The dataset includes data gathered from videos on YouTube that are contained within the trending category each day.
There are two kinds of data files, one includes comments and one includes video statistics. They are linked by the unique video_id field.
The headers in the video file are:
video_id (Common id field to both comment and video csv files) title channel_title category_id (Can be looked up using the included JSON files, but varies per region so use the appropriate JSON file for the CSV file's country) tags (Separated by | character, [none] is displayed if there are no tags) views likes dislikes thumbnail_link date (Formatted like so: [day].[month])
video_id (Common id field to both comment and video csv files) comment_text likes replies