A curated list of awesome Starknet security resources, tools, CTFs and more.
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- Aegis - Cairo Formal verification tool.
- amarna - Static-analyzer and linter for the Cairo programming language.
- Cairo Fuzzer - Cairo Fuzzing tool.
- cairo-profiler - Profiler for Cairo and Starknet.
- cairovm.codes - Compile and debug Sierra code.
- Caracal - Static analyzer tool over Sierra.
- entro - Decoding and indexing Starknet data.
- Semgrep - Static analyzer for Cairo.
- sierra-analyzer - Security toolkit in Rust for analyzing Sierra files.
- Starknet Foundry - Starknet contracts development toolkit.
- StarkRekt - Check and reset their token spending permissions on Starknet.
- StarkRevoke - Token revocation tool for Starknet.
- Thoth - Decompiler and security toolkit.
- Curta puzzle #13: Ping Pong - Starknet messaging challenge.
- Paradigm CTF 2022 - Paradigm CTF with Solidity and Cairo challenges.
- StarknetCC-CTF Lisbon 2022 - Lisbon 2022 Cairo CTF.
- StarknetCC-CTF - StarknetCC 2022 CTF writeup by pscott.
- StarknetCC-CTF - StarknetCC 2022 CTF writeup by Ledger.
- cairo-damn-vulnerable-defi - Cairo and Starknet challenges inspired by Capture the Ether.
- Node Guardians - Online wargame and challenge with quests and standalone challenges.
- Starknet-Security-Challenges - Cairo and Starknet challenges inspired by Capture the Ether.
- Underhanded Cairo - Cairo challenges in cairopractice.com.
Argent Account and Multisig - Argent account and Argent Multisig for Starknet audit by Consensys Diligence.
AVNU - AVNU audit by Nethermind.
Braavos - Braavos Account audit by Nethermind.
Carmine - Carmine audit by Nethermind.
Nimbora - Nimbora V2 report by Cairo- Security-Clan.
Opus - Opus Code4rena contest report.
Pragma - Pragma oracle audit by Nethermind.
Unruggable.meme - Unruggable meme protocol community audits by Antoine M., Credennce0x, 0xerim.
ZKX - ZKX audit by Nethermind.
Briq - Briq protocol audit by Nethermind.
ChainSecurity DAI Bridge Audit - MakerDAO's DAI bridge audit by ChainSecurity.
Empiric Netowrk - Empiric network audit by Zellic.
SithSwap - SithSwap AMM by Nethermind.
SHA256 from Cartridge - audit of SHA-256 implementation from Cartridge by Nethermind.
- Adventures with Account Abstraction – Risks and Mitigations in
- Considerations for__validate__
function of Starknet smart accounts. - Auditing Cairo 1.0 Contracts - Cairo auditing tips and pitfalls.
- Cairo 0.x Security - Cairo 0.x pitfalls and considerations.
- Cairo Contracts and pitfalls overview - Cairo traps and vulnerabilities.
- Cairo: the Starknet way to writing safe code - Comparing Cairo and Solidity for smart contracts.
- Introduction to Cairo 1 smart-contracts security - Introduction to Cairo 1 security, tips and considerations.
- Under the hood of Cairo 1 - Understanding Sierra code.
- Zero-Click Argent-X Wallet Contract Vulnerability, Explained - Vulnerability in implementing Starknet smart account.
- Cairo Security (Peteris Erins) - Spearbit seminar on Cairo security.
- Code4rena x Starknet Basecamp - Starknet basecamp for first Cairo contest.
- not-so-smart-cairo - Examples of common Cairo smart contract vulnerabilities by Trail of Bits.
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