- Is virus and malware free
- Uses the latest, stable, updated version of its operating system
- Has a functioning screen, keyboard, and trackpad
- Has plenty of free hard drive space and memory
- Can reliably connect to wireless networks
TIP: Treehouse offers a free 14-day trial which you can suspend after completing their courses.
At the workshop, you'll learn all the skills necessary to complete this assignment. It's due before the start of your follow-up Code Fellows course.
Demonstrate the following skills using only your Terminal, your text editor, and your web browser.
For example, codefellows
For example, codefellows/unix_notes.txt
For example,
cd <path> Changes the working directory to <path>
ls <path> Lists the directory content of <path>
For example, codefellows/git_notes.txt
For example,
git add <file> Adds any changes inside <file> to the staging area
git commit -m '<message>' Commits the staging area to the repository with a <message>
Survey questions:
What parts of the workshop today were awesome for your learning? The workflows explanation was really helpful. I found remote repositories confusing before class and it was all cleared up during the explanation. It was also really awesome to work with a partner on making pull request. It's hard to understand in a video because it's just one person. There were plenty of TAs so I always felt like there was someone there to help me when I needed it.
What parts of today's workshop could be improved for next time? I had done all of the pre-work, so the first half of the course was slow for me. I thought you guys worked through the techinical challenges well, though! I felt like the second half was harder and it felt kind of scrunched into the time slot. It would have been nice to have more time with this. A longer break after lunch was needed, too.
On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend this workshop? 7