Generating streams of weather data with mqtt is made simple using this application.
By supplying a state, city, longtitude and latitude, along with a sensor name, an MQTT stream of weather data will be generated for you. This stream includes:
- rain - measured in inches/min
- temperature - measured in degress F
- vibration - measured in G's
- windspeed - in direction (degrees) and magnitude (mph)
We use the weather forecast and history API from our friends at You will need to register for their free tier here.
- node.js => v6.11.2
- An API key from
We have provided a very basic cloudformation template which will stand up a simple Amazon Linux EC2 instance in a stand-alone VPC with a public IP address. The cloudformation can be found at aws/cfn/stacks/weatherGen
Three helper scripts have been provided.
- - creates the cloudformation stack
- - deletes an existing cloudformation stack
- - updates the cloudformation stack
is the cloudoformation template. You should only need to update the basic pararmeters at the top of the file.
script will provide the following output
"Description": "VPC Id",
"ExportName": "weatherGen-VPC-Id",
"OutputKey": "weatherGenVPCId",
"OutputValue": "vpc-f58cd791"
"Description": "Public IP Address",
"ExportName": "weatherGen-EC2-PublicIp",
"OutputKey": "IPAddress",
"OutputValue": ""
You can then access the EC2 instance using SSH.
ssh [email protected] -i path/to/your/key
*** Please Note: *** You will need a functional AWS account with the AWS CLI tools installed. Please refer here for how to install and configure the AWS CLI tools.
- After cloning this repository, the application dependencies must be installed. you can use either NPM or yarn.
npm install
or yarn install
There are 5 parameters that need to be supplied:
- -s --sensor STRING Sensor Id
- -t --state [STRING] State
- -c --city STRING City
- -lng --longtitude Longtitude
- -lat --latitude Latitude
An exmaple command line would be
./generate.js --state "California" --city "Palo Alto" --longtitude "-122.142776" --latitude "37.399782" --sensor "sensor_1"
./generate.js --state "Washington" --city "Kent" --longtitude "-122.234840" --latitude "47.380932" --sensor “sensor_1"
Should you need to find the lat/long for a specific US city you can use this site to assit you.
The output on the command-line will look like
[2017-08-27T22:51:59.480Z] INFO: rain_57add6cd692137b6/2035 on acbc327c2071: {"sensor_timestamp":1503874319479,"sensor_value":0,"direction":-1}
[2017-08-27T22:51:59.486Z] INFO: temp_57fa6c97c80dcb71/2035 on acbc327c2071: {"sensor_timestamp":1503874319482,"sensor_value":58.71017678571429,"direction":-1}
[2017-08-27T22:51:59.604Z] INFO: vib_7e60e0663c40a9a2/2035 on acbc327c2071: {"sensor_timestamp":1503874319600,"sensor_value":1.3877434481814688,"direction":-1}
[2017-08-27T22:51:59.641Z] INFO: ws_c5a01cb911390d11/2035 on acbc327c2071: {"sensor_timestamp":1503874319641,"sensor_value":0.45,"direction":292.965}
This will generate a stream of weather data on an MQTT topic in the following format
Hence the following topics for this example are
For example
This will provide the following payload
You can subscribe to the streams using any standards complaint MQTT client. For example there is a command-line node client MQTT.js and a great graphical client MQTT.fx.
Using MQTT.js you can subscribe using the following:
mqtt subscribe -h localhost -t "weather/California/Palo Alto/ws"
or to any of the sensors, such as
mqtt subscribe -h localhost -t "weather/California/Palo Alto/temp"
This will return the stream of data such as below
Standard MQTT topic subscription masks are also supported. Consider
mqtt subscribe -h -t "#"
mqtt subscribe -h -t "weather/Washington/Kent/ws"
mqtt subscribe -h -t "weather/Washington/Kent/#"
mqtt subscribe -h -t "weather/Washington/+/#"
Note: direction will be -1, for all non-vectorise measurements. Hence is only used in the windspeed (ws) stream.