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Releases: ambaradan/markchad


22 Oct 10:37
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Maintenance release

This release aligns the configuration code with changes made to the NvChad starter repository.

Plugins update

markview.nvim replaces render-markdown.nvim for displaying Markdown tags

which-key.nvim has been set to use the 'helix' view (floating view positioned to the right in the buffer)

Markchad 0.4

04 Oct 10:36
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What's new

The configuration installation script has been completely reworked and now provides a menu from which the following operations can be performed:

  • Checking for availability of required packages and presence of existing configurations
  • Backup and restore previous configurations
  • Installation of the configuration
  • Consultation of inline help

NvChad Integrations

  • Configured some additional plugins on NvChad base46 for better integration of themes.
  • Apply the changes to conform to the code in the 'starter' repository.
  • Experimentally introduced the functionality provided by volt, the new NvChad plugin for creating reactive UI in neovim. Created two menus based on file type including one customized for the Markdown language.

Plugins update

  • Removed lazygit.nvim to avoid external dependencies, used instead as default git manager Neogit
  • Replaced the plugin for writing in Zen Mode, now provided by zen-mode.nvim
  • Inserted the nvim-spectre plugin a powerful tool for searching and replacing strings, it allows searches on the buffer as well as on the entire workspace, it uses ripgrep as a search engine and this makes it very fast.

Installation instructions

Download the script

The installation script is available at the following address:

curl -LO

Also download the checksum file (sha256):

curl -LO

Verify the integrity of the archive with:

sha256sum -c install_markchad.tar.gz.sha256 
install_markchad.tar.gz: OK

Instal Markchad

If everything is correct extract the archive and start the script with:

tar -xf install_markchad.tar,gz
cd install_markchad

Markchad 0.3

13 Sep 15:01
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What's Changed

feat: added persisted.nvim - session management
Allows Neovim sessions to be saved for later reopening. Useful for
managing multiple projects

feat: new command to close all open buffers
Closing all buffers is recommended each time the session is changed;
this also places the NvChad terminal in the correct path.

feat: add live_grep mapping
added mapping for key search of the entire workspace, search is
displayed in a Telescope buffer

feat: change Markdown Preview mappings
Used Alt key instead of Space, improves workflow. 'Alt + o' to open,
'Alt + c' to close Markdown preview.

feat: new mapping for Yanky
added a unique mapping ( Alt + y ) to invoke Yanky Ring in both NORMAL
and INSERT modes

feat: add 'table-mode.nvim' for table editing
This plugin allows you to write and edit tables, each time you type the
| character, the plugin aligns the cells and if necessary adds spacing
characters - or blanks to align the entire table.

Install Script Changes

feat: added routine for checksum
Implemented routine for checking whether the compressed archive was
downloaded correctly.

Full Changelog: 0.1...0.3

Markchad 0.2

06 Sep 13:34
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Modified documentation

Configuration changes

Full Changelog: Stable...0.2

Markchad installation script

02 Sep 10:00
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Custom configuration of NvChad for Markdown code

Markchad installation script

The script allows automatic installation of a complete custom configuration of NvChad; the .config/ and all shared .local/share/ files containing the used plugins, language servers and other necessary files are provided.

The script is released in a compressed archive containing the script and library files, to download it run the following command:

curl -L --output install_markchad.tar.gz

Then untar the file and run the script:

tar -xf install_markchad.tar.gz
cd markchad

What's Changed

Full Changelog: