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Welcome to the django-removals - a maintainer's best friend for finding removed features in your Django project


This package will throw Django system checks warnings for all known removals from Django v1.0 to today.

Here's an example:

Example system check

The checks will either be triggered when using the Django development server

python runserver

or when you call the checks manually

python check --deploy

It focuses on Django settings but might also add more checks in the future.


  • Install the package via pip:

    pip install django-removals

    or via pipenv:

    pipenv install django-removals

  • Add module to INSTALLED_APPS within the main django

        # ...

Since this package adds only Django system checks, which don't run on production, you could add it only when being in (local) debug mode.

    INSTALLED_APPS += ("django_removals",)


Setup package for development

  • Create a Python virtualenv and activate it
  • Install "pip-tools" with pip install -U pip-tools
  • Compile the requirements with pip-compile --extra dev, -o requirements.txt pyproject.toml --resolver=backtracking
  • Sync the dependencies with your virtualenv with pip-sync

Add functionality

  • Create a new branch for your feature
  • Change the dependency in your requirements.txt to a local (editable) one that points to your local file system: -e /Users/workspace/django-removals or via pip pip install -e /Users/workspace/django-removals
  • Ensure the code passes the tests
  • Create a pull request

Run tests

  • Run tests

    pytest --ds settings tests
  • Check coverage

    coverage run -m pytest --ds settings tests
    coverage report -m

Git hooks (via pre-commit)

We use pre-push hooks to ensure that only linted code reaches our remote repository and pipelines aren't triggered in vain.

To enable the configured pre-push hooks, you need to install pre-commit and run once:

pre-commit install -t pre-push -t pre-commit --install-hooks

This will permanently install the git hooks for both, frontend and backend, in your local .git/hooks folder. The hooks are configured in the .pre-commit-config.yaml.

You can check whether hooks work as intended using the run command:

pre-commit run [hook-id] [options]

Example: run single hook

pre-commit run ruff --all-files --hook-stage push

Example: run all hooks of pre-push stage

pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage push

Update documentation

  • To build the documentation, run: sphinx-build docs/ docs/_build/html/.
  • Open docs/_build/html/index.html to see the documentation.

Publish to

  • Fetch the latest changes in GitHub mirror and push them
  • Trigger new build at (follow instructions in admin panel at RTD) if the GitHub webhook is not yet set up.

Publish to PyPi

  • Update documentation about new/changed functionality

  • Update the Changelog

  • Increment version in main

  • Create pull request / merge to main

  • This project uses the flit package to publish to PyPI. Thus, publishing should be as easy as running:

    flit publish

    To publish to TestPyPI use the following to ensure that you have set up your .pypirc as shown here and use the following command:

    flit publish --repository testpypi


Please note that this package supports the ambient-package-update. So you don't have to worry about the maintenance of this package. This updater is rendering all important configuration and setup files. It works similar to well-known updaters like pyupgrade or django-upgrade.

To run an update, refer to the documentation page of the "ambient-package-update".


Package to check for known Django removals and deprecations



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