The module challenge is the afternoon project or assignment that students work through independently. This expands on the guided project completed earlier with the instructor.
- use let, const, var and demonstrate their differences.
- understand and be able to use different operators.
- write a basic for loop / while loop.
- write control flow using if/else statements.
- use function declarations, expressions, and arrow functions and describe their differences
Today you'll worth through 7 JavaScript Tasks to practice today's objectives and get familiar and comfortable with the foundations of JavaScript.
Exercises are outlined in the index.js
file, please read the instructions carefully for each task and complete it. Note that you may have to use your googling skills to research and look things up if you do not have all the information you need to complete the task.
Using VSCode and Command Line:
- Fork repo and add TL as collaborator on Github.
- Clone your fork (not Lambda's repo by mistake!).
into your newly cloned repository.- Create a new branch by typing
git checkout -b <firstName-lastName>
Find the index.js
file and complete the tasks as written.
As you work on your code you should make use of console.log
to check your progress and debug.
After you have completed the requirements, try any of the following challenges. As always, note that these may require additional research beyond what you learned in this module.
- See tasks labelled stretch. Please ensure you've completed MVP before you attempt the stretch goals. Note that you may need to look forward to tomorrow's training kit in order to complete the task.
Follow these steps for completing your project.
- Submit a pull request to merge
branch into master. Please don't merge your own pull request - Add your TL as a reviewer on the pull-request
- Your TL will count the project as complete by merging the branch back into master