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MCC BetterString 11.34

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@tboeckel tboeckel released this 01 Jul 03:26
· 12 commits to master since this release

Version 11.34 of MCC BetterString


  • ClipboarsServer.c: set "MUI:" as default "CURRDIR:" and "PROGDIR:" for the
    global clipboard server process to avoid locking the directory of the first
    started MUI application using this class until it is eventually flushed from
  • PrintString.c: added a custom implementation of WritePixelArrayAlpha() in
    case cybergraphics.library is older than V45. This refs #5.
  • Dispatcher.c, PrintString.c: use an exclusively allocated pen on AmigaOS3
    when printing transparent text. This closes #5.
  • PrintString.c: fixed a possible division by zero bug during alpha channel
    reconstruction. This refs #5.