Check out the Wiki and How to write an AmigoMakefile
Take a look at the sample AmigoMakefile which will build an executable out of all C/C++ files in its directory
# Makes soft link to amigomake in /usr/bin
sudo ./
amigomake [flags] [action] {android,ios,native_x86} [platform-flags]
###Supported Platforms:
android, ios, native_x86
###General Flags:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-a, --arch Specify the target architecture(s) (armv7 by default)
-f, --file Specify AmigoMakefile path
-r, --root Specify dir for external dependency soures
-d, --debug Compile non-optimized with debug flags
--all Apply action to everything including dependencies
(Needs to be supported in AmigoMakefile)
--gcc Compile using gcc
--cxx11 Compile with c++11 support
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
--version Print version
Pass actions to be interpreted by the make file (clean, test, etc...)
The default action is: build
###Platform Flags: ####X86: None ####Android:
-n , --ndk Specify path to the Android NDK(Required)
-v , --sdk-version Specify Android SDK version to use(Required)
-v , --sdk-version Specify iOS SDK version to use(Required)
# Clean non sim build and external dependencies:
amigomake --all -a armv7 -a arm64 clean ios -v 8.1
# Build IOS8 device without rebuilding external dependencies:
amigomake -a armv7 -a arm64 ios -v 8.1
# Build iOS8 simulator build and external dependencies:
amigomake --all -a i386 ios -v 8.1
# Build Android without rebuilding external dependencies for SDK version 14:
amigomake android -n ~/android-ndk/ -v 14
# Build x86 without rebuilding external dependencies:
amigomake native_x86
###External Libraries: Some example external packages are included:
- proj4, libpng, libjpeg, gmock
- sqlite, freetype, minizip, bzip
- openssl, cURL, libicu, boost