Aion Mainnet GraphQL Playground:
Aion Mainnet GraphQL Endpoint: (To be used from application)
API Doc: Aion GraphQL API
This project provides GraphQL endpoint to query Aion blockchain. It is using AION java api to communicate with Aion blockchain.
It also support REST Api endpoints. The REST api development is still in progress. You can check supported REST apis here.
Tested on:
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, MacOS
- Java 10.x
The following apis are currently supported :
- blockApi
- txnApi
- accountApi
- adminApi
- chainApi
- netApi
- walletApi
- contractApi
For detail information, please visit this API page
The project will be enhanced to support other read and write operations.
Download the latest release binary from GitHub repo.
$> unzip aion-graphql-dist-[version].zip
$> tar xvf aion-graphql-dist-[version].tar
Go to the extracted folder aion-graphql-dist-[version]
Update Config
Edit config/application.yml to provide aion kernel rpc host and port
example: tcp://x.x.x.x:8547
Start GraphQL server
From aion-graphql-dist-[version] folder, execute the following command to start the server.
$> bin/aion-graphql
on Windows :
Issue with Aion 0.3.2 : If you face any connnection issue with Aion Kernel 0.3.2, please check this issue #10 for workaround.
Note: Make sure you start the server inside aion-graphql-dist-[version] folder only. Starting server inside bin folder will not work.
$> git clone
$> ./gradlew clean build -x integrationTest
To run
$> export rpc_endpoint=tcp://[kernel-host]:8547
$> ./gradlew bootRun
If you want to test GraphQL API on the browser, try the following url
After running the above command, GraphQL endpoint can be accessed through the following url from your application :