Implementation of domain adaptation algorithm based on the paper "Latent Domain Translation Models in Mix-of-Domains Haystack"
This work was supported by "STW Open Technologieprogramma" grant under project name "Data-Powered Domain-Specific Translation Services On Demand".
mvn package
This will generate target/invitationmodel-1.0.jar
java -cp target/invitationmodel-1.0.jar nl.uva.illc.dataselection.InvitationModel
-cin,--in-domain-corpus <arg> In-domain corpus name
-cmix,--mix-domain-corpus <arg> Mix-domain corpus name
-i,--max-iterations <arg> Maximum Iterations
-src,--src-language <arg> Source Language
-trg,--trg-language <arg> Target Language
-th,--threshold <arg> This threshold deicdes which sentences
updates translation tables. Default is
-cf,--conv_threshold <arg> This threshold decide if the
convergence is reached. Default is
If you have a parallel indomain corpus in-domain.l1, indomain.l2 and a parallel mix-domain corpus mixdomain.l1, mixdomain.l2. Then you can execute this utility as follow:
java -cp target/invitationmodel-1.0.jar nl.uva.illc.dataselection.InvitationModel -cin indomain -cmix mixdomain -src l1 -trg l2 -i 10 -th 0.5 -cf 0.00001