To run this right out of the box:
where xx
is the compute capability of the GPU on that system (can be found by using devicequery)
The following need to be done in order to integrate into cpptraj
- makefile should use nvcc -arch=sm_xx instead of gcc/g++
- The following code/def needs to be added to action_closest.cpp/action_closest.h
void Action_NoImage(Frame& frmIn,double maxD);
void Action_ImageOrtho(Frame& frmIn, double maxD);
void Action_ImageNonOrtho(Frame& frmIn, double maxD, Matrix_3x3 ucell, Matrix_3x3 recip);
bool cuda_action_center(Frame& frmIn, double maxD, Matrix_3x3 ucell, Matrix_3x3 recip,int type, float &time_gpu);
bool cuda_action_no_center(Frame& frmIn, double maxD, Matrix_3x3 ucell, Matrix_3x3 recip,int type, float &time_gpu);
- The folder
needs to be copied