URLFOR Function Explained - Salesforce URLFOR Returns a relative URL for an action, s-control, Visualforce page, or a file in a static resource archive in a Visualforce page. This can be used to return a reference to a file contained in a static resource archive (such as a .zip or .jar file). Below is the Syntax Overview of URL for function
{!URLFOR(target, [id], [inputs], [no override])}
Below is the description of all the attributes in detail:
Target: Action, or any static resource for image or Javascript.
Id : Name that is Of String or record ID (depends on the "target").
parameters: Additional parameters passed. Format: [parameters1="value1", parameters2="value2", parameters3 = value3]
no override: A Boolean flag. Set to true if to display a standard Salesforce page regardless of whether you have defined an override for it (default false) [nooverride=1] OR [nooverride=0] OR [nooverride=true] OR [nooverride=false] The input values can be dynamic. For example, to include an account ID, specify: {!URLFOR($Page.myVisualforcePage, null, [accountId=Account.Id])}
Edit - URLFOR($Action.Account.Edit, Account.Id, [nooverride=1])
View - URLFOR($Action.Account.View, Account.Id)
New - URLFOR($Action.Account.New)
Delete - URLFOR($Action.Account.Delete, Account.Id)
List View - URLFOR($Action.Account.Tab,$ObjectType.Account)
Image - <apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.redflag)}" height="50" width="50" />
Note: - Some Object may have different OR more action for those Object you can find using.
Standard Object
Setup -> Customize -> Object Name -> Button Links and Action
Custom Object
Setup -> Create -> Objects -> Find Your Object -> Button Links and Actions