##Game Slap
#####Developed by: Amy Ton & Greg Hild
####Repo Links
- [Server Side] (http://github.com/GRHild/glove-slap)
- [Client Side] (http://github.com/amyton/glove-slap-client)
####Description This is a mobile android app that is that notifies a user when another GameSlap user is in close proximity. If one of the users issues a slap (challenge) the other user can accept or reject the slap and they have to play a one-on-one game (Mario Kart, ping pong, arm wrestle, whatever!).
The app is still in development. GameSlap uses PhoneGap to launch and build the app as a native app. It is hosted on PhoneGap. We used StaticMatic2 to debug in the browser and ngrok to debug on an Android device. The server side has user information that is uploaded onto a Heroku website: http://limitless-journey-1073.herokuapp.com/
- Push notifications
- Ranking system
- Badges (gamefication)