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Automatically trade cryptocurrency: a growing ex-academic example.

Current state

The software currently consists of a automatic trading client, and a simulator that mocks a data and order service.

The system loads the strategy from an external JAR file using pomegranate, which must implement a Clojure protocol (Java interface) defined in this project. This protocol is the entry point to the strategy, which is fed with data as this trading client passes it on, along with the current portfolio state.

Example of a trading strategy

A simple arbitrage strategy is implemented in the subproject folder arbitrage to illustrate the automatic trading. Upon each tick and current state, the strategy selects the best assets to cycle from USD, BTC and ETH.

You need to build this project (see instructions within) and place the resulting JAR file anywhere in the classpath TBD, so that the project can load up the classes within the JAR.


Grab some data

The simulator understands the Poloniex API format and assumes a 5 min inter-tick period, e.g.,

Under resources, create a directory called marketdata and place your three market data files called btcusd.json, ethbtc.json and ethusd.json.

Download the data from all three pairs and store them in files with the aforementioned names, e.g.,

curl > ethbtc.json
curl > btcusd.json
curl > ethusd.json

This is an example intended to use with a couple of REPLs.

lein with-profile simulator,dev repl

On another terminal

lein with-profile client,dev repl

Then issue (start) on each of the REPLs, starting with the simulator.

The simulator runs so that every 10 minutes is scaled down to 1 second, so you can see things very quickly.

The simulator gets the first data not already in the past according to the simulator time. So things are expected not to exactly align with a real situation.

Use in real trading

The software is simple so the basic components should be robust. However the software comes as is and the author offers no warranty.

For a real situation, a service that implements connectivity with your exchange can be implemented and added to the system dependencies in sustitution of the component that implements connectivity with the simulator.


lein uberjar


lein test

Code coverage

CLOVERAGE_VERSION=1.0.7-SNAPSHOT lein cloverage --codecov


The software uses Stuart Sierra's component library and each component feeds data into the system and receives actions from the inner components that are processed and passed on outwards. This component communication is done with core async.

The system is very simple and consists of only a small number of components

+------------+           +------------+c-from s-to+------------+
|            |           |            <-----------+            |
|            |  compute  |            |           |            |
|  Strategy  +-----------+  Strategy  |           | Controller |
|  impl      |           |  holder    |           |            |
|            |           |            |     s-from|            |
|            |           |            +----------->            |
+------------+           +------------+c-to       +--+------^--+
                                                 send|      |rec
                                                     |      |
                                                     |      |
                                                     |      |
                                     +------------+  |      |  +------------+
                                     |            |  |      |  |            |
                                     |  Service   <--+      +--+  Service   |
                                     |  sender    |con      con|  receiver  |
                                     |            |            |            |
                                     |            |            |            |
                                     |            |            |            |
                                     +-----+------+            +------+-----+
                                           |send                      |
                                           |                          |
                                           |      +------------+      |
                                           |      |            |      |
                                           |      |            |      |
                                           +------+  connector +------+
                                                  |  impl      |receive
                                                  |            |
                                                  |            |

When the system is initialized from the configuration files, it loads up the strategy implementation and the service connector implementations from external JARs using pomegranate.

The service connector implementation is expected to connect to an exchange (with parameters potentially passed as configuration from files) and start receiving data. It will then call a method from the recevier (whose reference has been passed on at init time in the form of an interface called and injected by a dependency). The receiver will then asynchronously send the data to the Controller, which oversees that everything is well (alarms and monitoring will go here) and passes it on to the strategy holder, which has a reference to the externally loaded strategy implementation. It will call it with the data feed (which includes tick data and potentially the most up to date portfolio according to what the exchange has sent). The strategy will then compute a number of actions, one per coin trading pair, and sent it all the way back. The service sender will synchronously call the service connector with the actions to be processed.

Notice that the asynchronicity is dealt with in the internal components (strategy holder, sender and receiver), thus sparing the implementations from dealing with asynchronicity or core.async details.

The names of the endpoints in the diagram are the names of the core.async channels and the interface methods.


Immediate roadmap:

  • I/O schema for the ticker and trades service and for the strategy
  • Loading system for independent ticker and trades service like the one for strategies and separate the code for the simulator service into an independent project generating its own JAR
  • Carry over these changes to the arbitrage example strategy
  • Improve code coverage
  • Increase number of log messages
  • Build strategy and data feed service JARs and use them in tests

Future roadmap:

  • Binance ticker and trades service (as a separate JAR)
  • Dockerization
  • Clojurescript interface


Copyright © 2017 Javier Arriero

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Automatic trading software written in Clojure








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