SingularityNET Python Monorepo
This repository is a monorepo that includes several packages that we publish to PyPI from a shared codebase, specifically:
Package | Description |
snet-cli | Command line interface to interact with the SingularityNET platform |
snet-sdk | Integrate SingularityNET services seamlessly into Python applications |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
SingularityNET CLI
These instructions are for the development and use of the SingularityNET CLI. For further details, please check our full Documentation.
You should have python with version 3.7 and pip installed.
Additionally you should install the following packages:
- libudev
- libusb 1.0
If you use Ubuntu (or any Linux distribution with APT package support) you should do the following:
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
$ pip3 install snet.snet-cli
If you want to enable auto completion of commands, you should install the following package
- python-argcomplete
On ubuntu (or any Linux distribution with APT package support), you should do the following
sudo apt install python-argcomplete
After the package is installed, activate autocomplete
sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete
Note: Changes will not take effect until shell is restarted.
echo 'eval "$(register-python-argcomplete snet)"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Complete documentation is available here
- Clone the git repository
$ git clone
$ cd snet-cli/packages/snet_cli
- Install development/test blockchain dependencies
$ ./scripts/blockchain install
- Install the package in development/editable mode
$ pip3 install -e .
- Install sphinx, sphinx-argparse and the rtd theme
$ pip install sphinx
$ pip install sphinx-argparse
$ pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
- Run the in the docs directory
$ cd docs
$ sh
The documentation is generated under the docs/build/html folder
This project is published to PyPI.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
SingularityNET SDK for Python
These instructions are for the development and use of the SingularityNET SDK for Python.
The SingularityNET SDK allows you to make calls to SingularityNET services programmatically from your application.
To communicate between clients and services, SingularityNET uses gRPC.
To handle payment of services, SingularityNET uses Ethereum state channels.
The SingularityNET SDK abstracts and manages state channels with service providers on behalf of the user and handles authentication with the SingularityNET services.
To call a SingularityNET service, the user must be able to deposit funds (AGI tokens) to the Multi-Party Escrow Smart Contract.
To deposit these tokens or do any other transaction on the Ethereum blockchain, the user must possess an Ethereum identity with available Ether.
To interact with SingularityNET services, you must compile the appropriate client libraries for that service.
To generate the client libraries to use in your application, you need the SingularityNET Command Line Interface, or CLI, which you can download from PyPi, see
Once you have the CLI installed, run the following command:
snet sdk generate-client-library python <org_id> <service_id>
Optionally, you can specify an output path; otherwise it's going to be ./client_libraries/python/<registry_address>/<org_id>/<service_id>
You should move or copy these generated files to the root of your project.
Once you have installed the snet-sdk in your current environment and it's in your PYTHONPATH, you should import it and create an instance of the base sdk class:
from snet import sdk
from config import config
snet_sdk = sdk.SnetSDK(config)
The config
parameter must be a Python dictionary.
See for a sample configuration file.
If you want to use free call you need to add below mwntioned attributes in config file.
"email":"[email protected]"
You can download this config for a given service from Dapp
Now, the instance of the sdk can be used to create service client instances. To create a service client instance, it needs to be supplied with the client libraries that you compiled before.
Specifically, it needs the Stub
object of the service you want to use from the compiled
file of the client library.
Continuing from the previous code this is an example using example-service
from the snet
import example_service_pb2_grpc
org_id = "snet"
service_id = "example-service"
service_client = snet_sdk.create_service_client(org_id, service_id,example_service_pb2_grpc.CalculatorStub,group_name)
The generated service_client
instance can be used to call the methods exposed by the service.
To call these methods, a request object must be provided. Specifically, you should pick the appropriate request message type that is referenced in the stub object.
Continuing from the previous code this is an example using example-service
from the snet
import example_service_pb2
request = example_service_pb2.Numbers(a=20, b=3)
result = service_client.service.mul(request)
print("Performing 20 * 3: {}".format(result)) # Performing 20 * 3: value: 60.0
You can get this code example at
For more information about gRPC and how to use it with Python, please see:
- Clone the git repository
$ git clone [email protected]:singnet/snet-cli.git
$ cd snet-cli/snet_sdk
- Install development/test blockchain dependencies
$ ./scripts/blockchain install
- Install the package in development/editable mode
$ pip install -e .
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
SingularityNET SDK for Python
These instructions are for the development and use of the SingularityNET SDK for Python.
The SingularityNET SDK allows you to make calls to SingularityNET services programmatically from your application.
To communicate between clients and services, SingularityNET uses gRPC.
To handle payment of services, SingularityNET uses Ethereum state channels.
The SingularityNET SDK abstracts and manages state channels with service providers on behalf of the user and handles authentication with the SingularityNET services.
To call a SingularityNET service, the user must be able to deposit funds (AGI tokens) to the Multi-Party Escrow Smart Contract.
To deposit these tokens or do any other transaction on the Ethereum blockchain, the user must possess an Ethereum identity with available Ether.
To interact with SingularityNET services, you must compile the appropriate client libraries for that service.
To generate the client libraries to use in your application, you need the SingularityNET Command Line Interface, or CLI, which you can download from PyPi, see
Once you have the CLI installed, run the following command:
snet sdk generate-client-library python <org_id> <service_id>
Optionally, you can specify an output path; otherwise it's going to be ./client_libraries/python/<registry_address>/<org_id>/<service_id>
You should move or copy these generated files to the root of your project.
Once you have installed the snet-sdk in your current environment and it's in your PYTHONPATH, you should import it and create an instance of the base sdk class:
from snet import sdk
from config import config
snet_sdk = sdk.SnetSDK(config)
The config
parameter must be a Python dictionary.
See for a sample configuration file.
Now, the instance of the sdk can be used to create service client instances. To create a service client instance, it needs to be supplied with the client libraries that you compiled before.
Specifically, it needs the Stub
object of the service you want to use from the compiled
file of the client library.
Continuing from the previous code this is an example using example-service
from the snet
import example_service_pb2_grpc
org_id = "snet"
service_id = "example-service"
service_client = sdk.create_service_client(org_id, service_id, example_service_pb2_grpc.CalculatorStub)
The generated service_client
instance can be used to call the methods exposed by the service.
To call these methods, a request object must be provided. Specifically, you should pick the appropriate request message type that is referenced in the stub object.
Continuing from the previous code this is an example using example-service
from the snet
import example_service_pb2
request = example_service_pb2.Numbers(a=20, b=3)
result = service_client.service.mul(request)
print("Performing 20 * 3: {}".format(result)) # Performing 20 * 3: value: 60.0
You can get this code example at
For more information about gRPC and how to use it with Python, please see:
- Clone the git repository
$ git clone [email protected]:singnet/snet-cli.git
$ cd snet-cli/snet_sdk
- Install development/test blockchain dependencies
$ ./scripts/blockchain install
- Install the package in development/editable mode
$ pip install -e .
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.