24 commits
to main
since this release
Testing of the build 2.3.0.v20220327-1630
All version testing update site: http://anb0s.github.io/EasyShell/testing
Exact version only update site: http://anb0s.github.io/EasyShell/testing/2.3/2.3.0.v20220327-1630
Version: EasyShell 2.3.0.v20220327-1630
Use "Help | Install New Software...", paste the link and select the right version!
What's Changed
- Change default key binding on MacOS to ⌥ + ^ (Option + CTRL key) by @twwwt in #201
- add target platfrom for Eclipse 2021-12 (4.22) #203 by @anb0s in #205
- update from Java 8 to Java 11 #202 by @anb0s in #206
- Add PowerShell version 7 #199 by @anb0s in #207
- NullPointerException on start #197 by @anb0s in #208
- fix compiler warnings after update to Java 11 by @anb0s in #209
- use GitHub actions for build instead of Travis CI and Azure DevOps #210 by @anb0s in #211
- update copyright year 2022 #213 by @anb0s in #214
- update to tycho 2.7.0 #215 by @anb0s in #217
- add target platfrom for Eclipse 2022-03 (4.23) #216 by @anb0s in #218
- add GH actions for automatic deploy #221 by @anb0s in #222
- update testing deploy trigger by @anb0s in #223
- refactor PR anor Main workflow by @anb0s in #226
- 225 add gh actions for testing by @anb0s in #227
- add version properties to build and use in Actions by @anb0s in #229
- Testing by @anb0s in #239
- [2.3.0] testing of build 2.3.0.v20220327-1248 by @github-actions in #238
- refactor pull-request and main jobs by @anb0s in #241
- fix site.build.version.file and minor update by @anb0s in #243
- [2.3] testing of build 2.3.0.v20220327-1630 by @github-actions in #242
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.3.0-beta.1