This console application is part of my master thesis at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT) and uses the to verify ALPS Models. To use this application, you need an abstract model (Specification) and an implementing model (Implementation) created with the process modeling language Abstract Layered PASS. The program then checks based on the (see below), if the implementation adheres to the restrictions and rules implied by the specification.
This project is still a prototype and missing a lot of functions! It may be that parts of your model will not be verified correctly! For further development, feel free to use the OWLs provided in this folder. These contain exemplary test cases.
This C# library provides the functionality to create and modify in-memory PASS process models. These models might either be imported from an ontology (given in the owl/rdf format) or created from scratch.
The library currently supports the Standard PASS as well as the Abstract Layered PASS created by Matthes Elstermann. For more information have a look at the wiki pages or at the HTML/XML doc inside the classes (this is why the project mostly consists of html code).
A library with the name of this repository is also published in the NuGet store and available for download. Currently the library is targeting .NET Core 3.1 (netcoreapp3.1) as well as .NET Framework 4.72 (net472)
You will need: two models with the Abstract Layered PASS modeling language (Microsoft Visio Shapes can be found here:
Ideally, one model works as the specification and has abstract components. The other model should be an implementation and be less abstract.
Export both models as individual OWL files (can be done in Microsoft Visio after following the shape installation: Visio -> ALPS -> Generate OWL)
Put both models on the file path specified in the Helperclass.cs
Run the console application "ALPS Verifiication". The results for the verification will be displayed in the console.
- Importing and loading OWL files
- Create Tuple pairs of each element (specifying_element/implementing_element) and return them to main method
SID Verification:
- SID Subject Implementation Check
- SID Message Implementation Check
- SID Message Restriction Check
- Idea: User Interface for easier usage
- Idea: Suggestion System that tries to solve occuring errors
- Verification result must be gathered from the individual check return values. Right now it still requires a person to derive the result from the outputs.
- Node System from a different library is included, but the interface is still not functional
- Abstract Communication Channels Check
- Finalized Messages
- Properties of a Subject (Multiplicity, Start/End)
- General Checks on singular elements
- checks via node system for precedence/trigger transitions