Example Noise Mapping Web App using Defra WMS services
This repository contains a very simple Leaflet JS based web mapping application that displays the English Strategic Noise Mapping data published by Defra, through the DataShare service.
- The app can be viewed at: http://andjnewman.github.io/noise-map/leaflet-complete-noise.html
- The code can be found in the gh-pages branch of this repository at: https://github.com/andjnewman/noise-map/tree/gh-pages
###Noise Datasets Portrayed:
- road-noise-laeq-16h-england-round-2
- road-noise-lden-england-round-2
- rail-noise-lnight-england-round-2
- road-noise-lnight-england-round-2
- rail-noise-lden-england-round-2
- environmental-noise-directive-end-noise-mapping-noise-mapping-agglomerations-england-round-2
- noise-action-planning-important-areas-round-2-england
- rail-noise-laeq-16h-england-round-2
##Credits The app is based on code shared by Astun Technology at https://github.com/AstunTechnology/osgis-ol3-leaflet and also reuses the Astun Data Service to provide an OS backdrop (it is likely this will be switched to an alternative service as the app is further developed).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Third-party libraries used, such as Leaflet JS, retain their original license.
Get in touch via Twitter: https://twitter.com/andnewmangeo