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Ozon Seller API Client

A Ozon Seller API client written in Golang

Coverage Status example workflow

Ozon is a marketplace for small and medium enterprises to launch and grow their businesses in Russia.

Read full documentation

You can check list of supported endpoints

How to start


Get Client-Id and Api-Key in your seller profile here

Just add dependency to your project and you're ready to go.

go get

A simple example on how to use this library:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create a client with your Client-Id and Api-Key
	// [Documentation]:
	client := ozon.NewClient("my-client-id", "my-api-key")

	// Send request with parameters
	resp, err := client.Products().GetProductDetails(&ozon.GetProductDetailsParams{
		ProductId: 123456789,
	if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		log.Fatalf("error when getting product details: %s", err)

	// Do some stuff
	for _, d := range resp.Result.Barcodes {
		fmt.Printf("Barcode %s\n", d)


Ozon can send push-notifications to your REST server. There is an implementation of REST server that handles notifications in this library.

Official documentation

How to use:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create server
	port := 5000
	server := notifications.NewNotificationServer(port)

	// Register handlers passing message type and handler itself
	server.Register(notifications.ChatClosedType, func(req interface{}) error {
		notification := req.(*notifications.ChatClosed)

		// Do something with the notification here...
		log.Printf("chat %s has been closed\n", notification.ChatId)

		return nil

	// Run server
	if err := server.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Printf("error while running notification server: %s", err)


If you need some endpoints ASAP, create an issue and list all the endpoints. I will add them to library soon.

Or you can implement them and contribute to the project. Contribution to the project is welcome.


Атрибуты и характеристики Ozon

  1. /v2/category/tree ✅
  2. /v1/description-category/attribute/values ✅
  3. /v3/category/attribute ✅
  4. /v2/category/attribute/values ✅

Загрузка и обновление товаров

  1. /v2/product/import ✅
  2. /v1/product/import/info ✅
  3. /v1/product/import-by-sku ✅
  4. /v1/product/attributes/update ✅
  5. /v1/product/pictures/import ✅
  6. /v1/product/pictures/info ✅
  7. /v2/product/list ✅
  8. /v2/product/info ✅
  9. /v1/product/rating-by-sku ✅
  10. /v2/product/info/list ✅
  11. /v3/products/info/attributes ✅
  12. /v1/product/info/description ✅
  13. /v4/product/info/limit ✅
  14. /v1/product/update/offer-id ✅
  15. /v1/product/archive ✅
  16. /v1/product/unarchive ✅
  17. /v2/products/delete ✅
  18. /v1/products/geo-restrictions-catalog-by-filter ✅
  19. /v1/product/upload_digital_codes ✅
  20. /v1/product/upload_digital_codes/info ✅
  21. /v1/product/info/subscription ✅

Цены и остатки товаров

  1. /v1/product/import/stocks ✅
  2. /v2/products/stocks ✅
  3. /v3/product/info/stocks ✅
  4. /v1/product/info/stocks-by-warehouse/fbs ✅
  5. /v1/product/import/prices ✅
  6. /v4/product/info/prices ✅
  7. /v1/product/info/discounted ✅
  8. /v1/product/update/discount ✅


  1. /v1/actions [GET]
  2. /v1/actions/candidates
  3. /v1/actions/products
  4. /v1/actions/products/activate
  5. /v1/actions/products/deactivate
  6. /v1/actions/hotsales/list
  7. /v1/actions/hotsales/products
  8. /v1/actions/hotsales/activate
  9. /v1/actions/hotsales/deactivate
  10. /v1/actions/discounts-task/list
  11. /v1/actions/discounts-task/approve
  12. /v1/actions/discounts-task/decline

Стратегии ценообразования

  1. /v1/pricing-strategy/competitors/list
  2. /v1/pricing-strategy/list
  3. /v1/pricing-strategy/create
  4. /v1/pricing-strategy/info
  5. /v1/pricing-strategy/update
  6. /v1/pricing-strategy/products/add
  7. /v1/pricing-strategy/strategy-ids-by-product-ids
  8. /v1/pricing-strategy/products/list
  9. /v1/pricing-strategy/product/info
  10. /v1/pricing-strategy/products/delete
  11. /v1/pricing-strategy/status
  12. /v1/pricing-strategy/delete

Сертификаты брендов

  1. /v1/brand/company-certification/list

Сертификаты качества

  1. /v1/product/certificate/accordance-types [GET]
  2. /v2/product/certificate/accordance-types/list [GET]
  3. /v1/product/certificate/types
  4. /v1/product/certification/list
  5. /v1/product/certificate/create
  6. /v1/product/certificate/bind
  7. /v1/product/certificate/delete
  8. /v1/product/certificate/info
  9. /v1/product/certificate/list
  10. /v1/product/certificate/product_status/list
  11. /v1/product/certificate/products/list
  12. /v1/product/certificate/unbind
  13. /v1/product/certificate/rejection_reasons/list
  14. /v1/product/certificate/status/list


  1. /v1/warehouse/list ✅
  2. /v1/delivery-method/list


  1. /v1/polygon/create
  2. /v1/polygon/bind

Схема FBO

  1. /v2/posting/fbo/list
  2. /v2/posting/fbo/get
  3. /v1/supply-order/list
  4. /v1/supply-order/get
  5. /v1/supply-order/items
  6. /v1/supplier/available_warehouses [GET]

Управление кодами маркировки для FBS/rFBS

  1. /v4/fbs/posting/product/exemplar/validate
  2. /v4/fbs/posting/product/exemplar/set
  3. /v4/fbs/posting/product/exemplar/status
  4. /v4/posting/fbs/ship

Схемы FBS и rFBS

  1. /v3/posting/fbs/unfulfilled/list
  2. /v3/posting/fbs/list
  3. /v3/posting/fbs/get
  4. /v2/posting/fbs/get-by-barcode
  5. /v2/posting/fbs/act/get-barcode
  6. /v2/posting/fbs/act/get-barcode/text
  7. /v2/posting/fbs/product/country/list
  8. /v2/posting/fbs/product/country/set
  9. /v3/posting/multiboxqty/set
  10. /v1/posting/fbs/restrictions
  11. /v3/posting/fbs/ship
  12. /v3/posting/fbs/ship/package
  13. /v2/posting/fbs/act/create
  14. /v2/posting/fbs/act/check-status
  15. /v1/posting/carriage-available/list
  16. /v2/posting/fbs/act/get-pdf
  17. /v2/posting/fbs/digital/act/check-status
  18. /v2/posting/fbs/digital/act/get-pdf
  19. /v2/posting/fbs/package-label
  20. /v1/posting/fbs/package-label/create
  21. /v1/posting/fbs/package-label/get
  22. /v2/posting/fbs/act/get-container-labels
  23. /v2/posting/fbs/arbitration
  24. /v2/posting/fbs/awaiting-delivery
  25. /v1/posting/fbs/cancel-reason
  26. /v2/posting/fbs/cancel-reason/list
  27. /v2/posting/fbs/cancel
  28. /v2/posting/fbs/product/change
  29. /v2/posting/fbs/product/cancel
  30. /v2/posting/fbs/act/list
  31. /v2/posting/fbs/digital/act/document-sign
  32. /v2/posting/fbs/act/get-postings
  33. /v2/fbs/posting/delivering
  34. /v2/fbs/posting/tracking-number/set
  35. /v2/fbs/posting/last-mile
  36. /v2/fbs/posting/delivered
  37. /v2/fbs/posting/sent-by-seller
  38. /v1/posting/fbs/timeslot/change-restrictions
  39. /v1/posting/fbs/timeslot/set
  40. /v1/posting/global/etgb

Возвраты товаров

  1. /v3/returns/company/fbo
  2. /v3/returns/company/fbs

Отмены заказов

  1. /v1/conditional-cancellation/get
  2. /v1/conditional-cancellation/list
  3. /v1/conditional-cancellation/approve
  4. /v1/conditional-cancellation/reject

Чаты с покупателями

  1. /v2/chat/list
  2. /v1/chat/send/message
  3. /v1/chat/send/file
  4. /v2/chat/history
  5. /v1/chat/updates
  6. /v1/chat/start
  7. /v2/chat/read


  1. /v1/invoice/create-or-update
  2. /v1/invoice/get
  3. /v1/invoice/delete


  1. /v1/report/info
  2. /v1/report/list
  3. /v1/report/products/create
  4. /v1/report/stock/create
  5. /v1/report/products/movement/create
  6. /v1/report/returns/create
  7. /v1/report/postings/create
  8. /v1/finance/cash-flow-statement/list
  9. /v1/report/discounted/create
  10. /v1/report/discounted/info
  11. /v1/report/discounted/list

Аналитические отчёты

  1. /v1/analytics/data
  2. /v2/analytics/stock_on_warehouses

Финансовые отчёты

  1. /v1/finance/realization
  2. /v3/finance/transaction/list
  3. /v3/finance/transaction/totals

Рейтинг продавца

  1. /v1/rating/summary ✅
  2. /v1/rating/history ✅


Ozon Seller API Client in Golang







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