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These are some of the shiny applications that I have created. Each folder has its own README.


An application to explore and visualize demographic and lottery ticket sales data in the greater Toronto area.

For the latest full paper:

Packages: The application uses the following packages: shiny, tidyverse, ggiraph, leaflet, shinythemes, and lottodata. To see which versions of these pacshinyJackpot_draftkages are used and the dependencies, check the session_info.txt file in the app directory.

Data sources: The data for the lottery ticket sales were obtained from Ontraio Lottery and Gaming Corporation via a freedom of information act request. These data sets are freely available on Open Science Framework and on Github. Geocoding was provided by

Launch application:

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "andr3wli/shinyapps", subdir = "shinyJackpot")

Or you can access shinyJackpot via my shiny server here:


An application to easily tidy, explore and visualize rat gambling task data. As well, it can be especially useful for researchers using the RGT in tandem with DREADDs.

By: Andrew Li (UBC) and Georgios Karamanis (Uppsala)

For the latest full paper:

Packages: The application uses the following packages: shiny, tidyverse, shinythemes, and shinyWidgets. To see which versions of these packages are used and there dependencies, look at the session_info.txt file in the repo directory.

Launch application:

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "andr3wli/shinyapps", subdir = "shinyRGT")

Or you can access shinyRGT via my shiny server here:

Andrew's Shiny Bar

My submission for STAT 545 at UBC. With everything being online because of COVID, use this bar to enjoy your favourite drink and bar snack.

Packages: The application uses the following packages: shiny, tidyverse, shinyWidgets, ggforce, geombeer.

Launch application:

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "andr3wli/shinyapps", subdir = "shiny_bar")

Or you can access Shiny Bar via my shiny server here:


An R shiny application to visualize lottery ticket sales and lottery ticket size in Toronto, Canada.

Packages: The application uses the following packages: shiny, plotly, lottodata, tidyverse.

Data sources: The data for the lottery ticket sales were obtained from Ontraio Lottery and Gaming Corporation via a freedom of information act request. These data sets are freely available on Open Science Framework and on Github.

Launch application:

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "andr3wli/shinyapps", subdir = "jackpot")

Or you can access Jackpot via my shiny server here:


No releases published


No packages published
