This is a sample application that demonstrates how AWS Step Functions can be used for executing various tasks.
A POST request to an API endpoint will execute a state machine which eventually will send a recipe of a requested cocktail to the provided callback.
The state machine consists of the following steps:
Each step is a lambda function that takes the state from the previous step and adds a component to the recipe. Each step is written in a different language just for the purpose of demonstrating the flexibility of Step Functions. The final webhook step is executed by a Fargate container.
Run the following command after updating stack/stack.rb
The following commands must be executed inside the app
folder. Alternatively, every command will require specifying the location of template.yaml
Run a local api-gateway instance:
sam local start-api
Invoke a lambda function:
echo '{"name":"test","recipe":[],"callback":""}' | sam local invoke RookieBartenderAlcohol
Requires AWS credentials in order to interact with AWS services.
export STACK_NAME="rookie-bartender"
export LAMBDA_S3_BUCKET_NAME="rookie-bartender-s3-bucket"
The script will build all lambda functions and the webhook docker image, push them to AWS and deploy cloudformation stack.
Upon successful creation/update of the stack, the deploy command will output the url of an api endpoint that accepts POST requests.
Sending a request to the endpoint will trigger the state machine process which results in sending a callback to the supplied url:
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "margarita",
"callback": "<CALLBACK_URL>"