Simple Python2 JSON client for the cubeSQL database server.
See Examples/
for a simple example.
import cubesql
cube = cubesql.CubeSQL( 'localhost', "loginname", "password" )
cube.use( "test" )
cube.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Users (FirstName TEXT, LastName TEXT, Address TEXT);" )
cube.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES ( 'Some', 'One', 'Firststreet 2, 69000 Bettertown' );" )
cube.execute( "INSERT INTO Users VALUES ( 'Other', 'Guy', 'Onlystreet 1, 69001 Besttown' );" )
d = "SELECT * FROM Users;" );
print( d )
- Marco Bambini (Author of cubeSQL and the original PHP client)
The BEER license is basically the same as the MIT license (see link), except that you should buy the author a beer (see Donate) if you use this software.
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