A Flask project to interactively check OFFICIAL COVID-19 stats for Romania and other countries.
Telegram channel: https://coronavirus.pradan.dev/channel/
Telegram bot: https://coronavirus.pradan.dev/bot/
Create a new telegram bot by sending the
command to BotFather here- give it a
: e.g. MyExtraordinaryBot (does not need to end in "Bot") - give it a
: e.g. my_extraordinary_bot (this one does need to end in "bot") - write down your
that BotFather gives you at the end. You will need it later on
- give it a
Start the Flask local server:
$ TOKEN=<token_from_BotFather> python flask_app.py
Telegram bots need a https URL as a callback for sending update events. Details here
Ngrok is a great utility used for exposing your localhost to a publicly accessible https URL
- sign up here https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup
- install
and set it up using these four simple steps here: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started - run it locally:
ngrok http 5000
Set the webhook URL for your telegram bot using the config/webhook.py script
$ python config/webhook.py --token=1234567890:ABCD-aBsadfASDFasfdb-v Current webhook url: is not set up $ python config/webhook.py --token=1234567890:ABCD-aBsadfASDFasfdb-v --set INFO:root:Current webhook url: https://5efg4d21.ngrok.io/1234567890:ABCD-aBsadfASDFasfdb-v
- replace the host and token with your own
- your telegram bot should now be pointed to your newly created public URL that is tunneling to your localhost 5000 port
Data source setup
The telegrambot pull all of its data from mongodb collections
Configure a MongoDB database:
Populate database with initial data
python config/sync_data.py --all
python config/sync_data.py --help
for the complete list of parameters
Make sure you've set the correct TOKEN when starting the Flask server
- the callback url contains your bot's token so if the TOKEN environment variable is not set correctly, when using the bot you will see a lot of 404s in the server console from the telegram bot trying to post callbacks (respond to commands) to an invalid URL
Make sure ngrok is tunneling your localhost:
- you can do this by navigating to the https URL that ngrok provided - directly into your browser
Make sure you've set the correct webhook URL.
> python config/webhook.py --token=1234567890:ABCD-aBsadfASDFasfdb-v Current webhook url: https://5efg4d21.ngrok.io/1234567890:ABCD-aBsadfASDFasfdb-v
- should be the ngrok provided HTTPS URL + your telegram bot token
pytest tests --cov .
- for html coverage report add
- English keys
- More data sources
- Charts and diagrams for historical data, stats based on gender, age, etc.
- Storing historical data for Global regions/countries (currently only today's statistics)
- TBD: more google cloud commands
- https://datelazi.ro/
- https://stirioficiale.ro/
- https://worldometers.info/
- Johns Hopkins Covid-19 repository: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19
👤 Andrei Prădan
- Website: pradan.dev
- Github: andreipradan
- LinkedIn: andreipradan
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
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