AI4Chem is a code to test the ability of large language models (ChatGPT) to comprehend Chemistry.
AI4Chem is a code to generate answers about the general topics of Chemistry using the ChatGPT model.
The AI4Chem framework is highly versatile (coded in Google Colab), with options that can be further developed and optimized by the users: it can accept any user-defined model parameters.
AI4Chem is 100% compatible with Google Colab platform developed in Microsoft Windows using Python version 3.8.
The complete documentation about how to run the AI4Chem protocol and several tutorials is being developed.
AI4Chem is being actively developed and some issues may arise or you may need extra help to run AI4Chem. In those cases, there are two main ways to get help:
- Open a new issue in this repository Or
- write an email to André Silva Pimentel ([email protected]) (I will do my best to answer your questions as soon as possible).
AI4Chem is available under MIT License. See license document for more details. URL and DOI: (
The code was written by Andre Silva Pimentel.