Docker image for AWS Beanstalk deployment with gradle
These instructions will cover usage information and for the docker container
This is a basic example for deploy jar application into AWS Elastic Beanstalk:
export AWSEB_RELEASE_VERSION="my-app-1.0.0-RELEASE.jar"
export LOCALDIR_RELEASE_VERSION="./build/libs/my-app-1.0.0-RELEASE.jar"
To deploy the artifact the following variables are needed:
AWSEB_APP_NAME: - AWS Elastickbeastalk application name
AWSEB_ENV_NAME: - AWS Elastickbeastalk environment name
AWSEB_S3_BUCKET: -- AWS S3 Bucket Name
AWSEB_S3_KEY: -- AWS S3 Bucket Key
AWSEB_RELEASE_VERSION: Name for release version file upload to AWS S3
LOCALDIR_RELEASE_VERSION: -- Location for release version file
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* Andrés Montoya - (
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