A distributed system to monitor vehicles status.
live Demo
- Nameko microservices framework
- RabbitMQ message broker
- Redis in-memory database
- PostgreSQL relational database
- Django web framework
- Docker container framework
To run the full system just use docker-compose
docker-compose up
for steps to run each component separately please see the docs of each component
You are working to company which has a number of vehicles belongs to a number of customer, They have a need to be able to view the status of the connection among these vehicles on a monitoring display The vehicles send the status of the connection one time per minute. The status can be compared with a ping; no request from the vehicle means no connection so vehicle is either Connected or Disconnected.
This solution is composed of three main components
Monitoring Service:
A service is responsible for:
1- Receives a ping from the vehicle (or the simulator)
2- Keeps the last up time for each vehicle in a redis db
3- Returns the vehicles ids with its state (whether seen in the last minute or not) -
Website Service: A service is responsible for serving the website and currently it has only 2 routes:
1- (/): serves the dashboard website containing a table of the vehicles and its state 2- (/vehicles): a restful endpoint with no params returns the full list of vehicles and gets the status from the monitoring service -
Simulator Service: This service is responsible for simulating pings from vehicles, eah minute this service sends ping to the monitoring service, it decides randomly if it will or wont send a ping for each vehicle
This solution is designed for scalability, each component can be horizontally scaled.