Craigslist Web Scraper made to scrap data in order to populate our craigslist-redux project, in which we clone using modern technologies.
Selenium won't work with Chrome unless you install chromedriver.
brew install chromedriver
If you are a Firefox user, you can just change the constructor to:
self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()
The scraper will scrape one page of recent craigslist postings given parameters. You can adjust the parameters at the bottom of the code. Note that the location must be the same string in your craigslist URL. For example, in NYC, the location is "newyork".
location = "newyork"
postal = "10012"
max_price = "2000"
radius = "5"
The scraper will output a output.json file with the scraped titles, post descriptions, thumbnails, images, dates, and prices. The images are original size (1200x900).