#About the Open Beer Data project
The Open Beer Data project is an attempt to consolidate information necessary for brewers to practice their craft. It provides database formats of the BJCP Guide as well as databases of fermentables, hops, yeast and other ingredients. There have been several attempts to do such projects in the past which appear to have been abandoned. The purpose of providing this data through github is to ensure that this can be picked up by someone else.
If you would like to contribute and are aware of how to use git, you may branch the repository and modify the CSV files yourself. The CSV files are the base documents which contain the data. All other data is derived from those files. If you would rather use something like Excel, OpenOffice or Google Docs to add data, please let me know through [email](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Open Beer Database Library for Android on GitHub) and I'll provide you with a template.
The Open Beer Database is made available under the Open Database License and is maintained by Andrew Barilla.
The Open Beer Database Library for Android is open source software, created and maintained by Andrew Barilla, and shared under the MIT license.
Contributions are welcome!
#Technical Details
- Requires Android API 3 (SDK 1.4)
Questions, comments, and feedback are welcome at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Open Beer Database Library for Android on GitHub).