- I'm not responsible for your AWS cost. Please be responsible. (Monthly cost should be less than a cup of coffee...)
- This script assumes you have sufficient AWS knowledge. (Route 53, Certificate Manager, CloudFormation, S3, CloudFront, etc)
├── README.md
├── bin
│ ├── cfn_create_stack
│ ├── cfn_update_stack
│ └── publish
├── cfn
│ └── cloudformation-template-s3-cloudfront-ssl.yml
├── dot_env_template
└── s3_config
└── cors.json
- Create an AWS account and have admin access
- Install AWS CLI (See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html )
- Get AWS Keys and set AWS profile and credentials (See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html)
- A Route53 managed domain name
- Local web asset files
Copy ./dot_env_template to .env/prod Edit the parameters in the file everything except CLOUDFRONT_DIST_ID. You don't need to have existing CloudFormation Stack, SSL Certificate, and bucket.
Run the Script to create a SSL certificate, S3 bucket and Cloudfront distribution:
bin/cfn_create_stack .env/prod
Check CloudFormation Console to monitor the progress and troubleshoot issues https://.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/
Log in to AWS Console and get CloudFront Distribution ID (https://.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/) Update .env by filling CLOUDFRONT_DIST_ID.
Publish the content and invalidate CloudFront cache:
bin/publish .env/prod
To update the content, you just need to repeat Step 4.
This project is developed by ANELEN and friends. Please check out the ANELEN's open innovation philosophy and other projects
Copyright © 2023~ Anelen Co., LLC