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Anelen's Data Science environment docker image

Docker Hub page


Loaded with:

How to run

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install docker and docker-compose
  3. Copy env_example to .env and edit
  4. Edit volume section of docker-compose.yml
  • The path before ":" is an existing directory that will be visible to Jupyter and RStudio.
  1. Run docker-compose up -d
  2. If running locally, point your browser to
  • Port 8793 is reserved for Airflow worker.


Before using git, set up git configuration by running:

$HOME/bin/ "Your Name" "your email"

You should use https protocol to pull and push to remote repository.

Multiple Jupyter Hub/RStudio users

  1. Edit volume section of docker-composer.yml to mount host's directory to :/home (Instead of /home/ds for example)
  2. Shell into the container as root by `docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
  3. Add user by
mkdir -p /home/<user_name>
useradd <user_name> -d /home/<user_name>
chown -r <user_name>: /home/<user_name>
echo <user_name>:<initial_password> | chpasswd
  1. The user can change their password with passwd command on the terminal on Jupyter Hub or RStudio

Running on Google Cloud Platform

As I write this, Container Optimized OS does not have docker-compose. Unless you do some work-around, you cannot use the docker-compose command I showed above to start the service. Also note that Containers on Compute Engine is beta and it does not support port forwarding or volume mapping.

I recommend following the example steps below.

Create a Compute Engine VM instance

Example setting:

  1. Choose 2 vCPUs 7.5GB memory
  2. Do NOT check "Deploy a container image to this VM instance"
  3. Choose Boot disk to one of Container Optimized OS images
  4. Set boot disk size: 20GB
  5. Allow HTTP & HTTPS traffic
  6. Disk: Add 50GB. Make it persisting.
  7. Network tags: datasci-box

SSH into the box

You can do the following with the browser-based terminal GCP provides from the VM instances.

sudo mkdir /mnt/stateful_partition/home2
sudo docker run -d -v /mnt/stateful_partition/home2:/home \
    -p 8000:8000 -p 8787:8787 -p 8793:8793 \
    -e USER_NAME=<some_username> -e USER_PASSWORD=<strong_password> \
    --name datasci anelen/datasci

While you are here, note your user name:

(Do this outside the container)

echo $USER

Set up ssh keys

You probably don't want to expose the services externally, so I will show how to connect to the services using ssh tunneling.

If you have not, generate a project-wide ssh key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/[KEY_FILENAME] -C [USERNAME]

Note: USERNAME is not your email address. You have it if you followed the last instruction of the previous section.

Add the content of the public key (~/.ssh/[KEY_FILENAME].pub) as project-wide meta key

Connect to the services via ssh tunnel

On your local computer, start the port fowarding by

ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 -L 8787:localhost:8787 [USERNAME]@<instance_external_ip_address>

Then point your browser to

Restarting the VM instance

If you persisted the boot disk or mounted a persisting disk, you can restart the instance and recover the previous state. (If you didn't delete the VM instance, of course.)

After restarting the VM instance, run the ssh command as in the previous section, then

sudo docker start datasci

Setting up Airflow to schedule data workflow jobs

See this instruction


Anelen's Data Science environment docker image






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