Copyright (C) <2014> MTimer (
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Inspired By NewEraCracker Server For Windows
Support CentOS/RHEL 32bit/64bit
Support multi versions of Apache/MYSQL/MariaDB/PHP
Support switch versions of Apache/MYSQL/MariaDB/PHP ── In next release
BY default, Nginx + MYSQL 5.6 + PHP 5.3 will be installed.
Note:PHP runs BY PHP-FPM excepting that in PHP 5.3 + Apache circumstance, PHP run as mod_php of Apache.
It takes a lot of time to write this script. I hope it helps some people to manage VPS or even servers.
In future release it can switch versions of any server like Apache/Nginx Mysql/MariaDB PHP
Please reserve the CREDITS file when you share it with your firends.
/mtimer/ —— This directory contains all
log/ —— Save logs files
node/ —— git - Optional
server/ —— Servers mysql/mariadb|httpd/nginx|php
www/ —— Website directory, including all virtualhost directory
Need help? Email: [email protected] Attach lnmpa_install.log
Thanks to many friends
Run it as root [One line]:
wget -c --tries=3 -O;chmod 755;./ 2>&1|tee lnmpa_install.log
Press【Enter】 if you dont want to choose anything:
Nginx + MYSQL 5.6 + PHP 5.3 will be installed by default
PHP runs BY PHP-FPM excepting that in PHP 5.3 + Apache circumstance, PHP run as mod_php of Apache.
Are u a customer of MTimer CMS ? [1]Yes or [2]No Did you buy MTimer CMS ? Default no [1]China or [2]World wide ? Where is your server located ? Default world wide [1]Apache or [2]Nginx ? Default Nginx If Apache: Apache 2.[4] or 2.[2] ? Default Apache 2.2 PHP 5.[3], PHP 5.[4] or PHP 5.[5] ? Default PHP 5.3 [1]MySQL or [2]MariaDB ? Default MySQL If MySQL: MySQL 5.[1], MySQL 5.[5] or MySQL 5.[6] ? Default MySQL 5.6 If MariaDB: [1]MariaDB 5.3, [2]MariaDB 5.5 or [3]MariaDB 10.0 ? Default MariaDB 10.0 [1]Adminer or [2]Phpmyadmin ? Default Adminer Auto fdisk [1]Yes or [2]No ? Default No If Yes: - will mount all free disk to /mtimer1 /mtimer2 etc.. Enter your disk name eg. sd [if sda,sdb...] , xv [if xva,xvb] : if your disks name is sda,sdb then input sd xva,xvb then input xv
service httpd (start | stop | reload | restart) service nginx (start | stop | reload | restart) service mysql (start | stop | reload | restart) service php-fpm (start | stop | reload | restart) service memcached (start | stop | reload | restart) //OR specify memcache server: service memcached (start | stop | reload | restart) memcached_11211 memcached's pidfile located @ /etc/memcached/pidfiles/
/mtimer —— ALL -----log —— Logs location --nginx --httpd --php --mysql --mariadb -----server —— All kinds of Servers --nginx --conf --nginx.conf —— nginx configuration file --rewrite —— rewrite configuration files location --vhosts —— vhosts configuration files location --crons —— cron files location --httpd --conf —— httpd configuration files location --httpd.conf —— main configuration file --vhosts —— vhosts, eg. --conf.d —— other configuration files directory eg. mod_fastcgi.conf [Apache + php 4/5] --crons —— cron files location --php --etc —— PHP configuration files location --php-fpm.conf —— PHP-FPM configuration file --php.ini —— PHP configuration file --mysql Note:my.cnf located @ /etc/my.cnf --mariadb -----www —— *Websites Directory*, containg all websites —— Default website root directory —— Another website root directory. If Nginx, Fancyindex enabled by default. --phpmyadmin —— phpMyAdmin, Access via http://YourServerIP:7772/ --adminer —— Adminer, Access via http://YourServerIP:7771/
1) For faster IO,/tmp/ is linked to /dev/shm/ So **Do Not** put important stuff under /tmp/ since files may disappear mysql.sock all located @ /tmp/ . These files may disappear but don't worry. It does not affect restart/stop/ servers 2) Cron job? $ crontab -e $ i Add If Apache: 00 00 * * * /bin/bash /mtimer/server/httpd/crons/ OR If Nginx: 00 00 * * * /bin/bash /mtimer/server/nginx/crons/ $ :wq 3) If Apache + php 5.3, PHP runs by mode_php, so there is no php-fpm. To restart PHP, same as restarting Apache。 $ Service httpd restart 4) **Sometimes** you need to reboot to use FTP service 5) FTP & MySQL passwords in account.log
--2014.05.10 Update to 3.0,
--LNMP upgrade to LNMPA, name as MTimer Server
--MariaDB joined in
--Complete reconstruct
--Add docs
--In next release support switch versions of Apache/MYSQL/MariaDB/PHP
--Some day it will support control servers via PHP - maybe
--2013.07.17 Update to 2.0,
--Long time ago, who cares
Email:[email protected]