CSARCH2 Simulation Project: Binary-32 Floating-Point Converter
This repository contains the source code, output screenshots, and a short video demonstration of the web application implemented in TypeScript using React.js that simulates an IEEE-754 Binary-32 Floating-Point Converter to its binary or hexadecimal equivalents (including special cases).
1. Screenshots
- Screenshots of the program output showcasing all possible test cases covering the specifications
- A short video demonstration showcasing the program compilation and all test cases covered in the specifications
3. Source Code
- The source code for the project and link to the web-based application
4. Technical Analysis Write-Up
- Short write-up showcasing problems encountered and strategies in solving them and analysis on implementing the requirements for the project
The web application can either be ran through the deployed website URL or through local installation.
To access the deployed web application on the internet, go to https://csarch2-binary32converter.vercel.app/
To install and run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/angelocguerra/csarch2-componentsexhibit.git
or download the zip file of the project's latest release and navigate to the project directory - Open terminal/Command Prompt and install dependencies:
npm i
ornpm install
- After the installation of npm packages, run the application:
npm start
- Access the web application by opening the URL: localhost:3000
The project was built using the following:
- React: a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Tailwind CSS: a utility-first CSS framework best for inline styling
- Daisy UI: a Tailwind CSS component library
- TypeScript: a typed superset of JavaScript
Section: S13
Group: 6
- Jose Maria Angelo Guerra (Lead Developer, Full-Stack)
- Adrian Yung Cheng (Logic/Back-End Developer)
- Mia Bernice Cruz (Front-End Developer)
- Mark Gabriel Abergos (QA/Tester)
- Trisha Alissandra Sayo (Back-End Developer)