Micro-library for easy, fast convert JEE Servlet/Spring-based application to Vert.x application
Clone project:
git clone https://github.com/anhtranbk/vertxlet
Make sure Maven has been installed on your workspace. Run the following command to install vertxlet to your Maven local repository:
mvn clean install
Define your request mapping in one of the following styles:
public class ControllerExamples {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ControllerExamples.class);
// Controller object created only once per Vertx context so you can keep
// session in Controller's object properties
private final Map<String, Long> users = new HashMap<>();
@RequestMapping(path = {"/login/:user", "/authenticate/:user"}, method = HttpMethod.GET)
public void login(RoutingContext rc) {
String user = rc.request().getParam("user");
Long ts = users.get(user);
if (ts != null) {
// demo return json response
.putHeader("Content-type", "application/json")
.end(new JsonObject().put("user", user).put("created_at", ts).toString());
} else {
rc.response().setStatusCode(404).end("Login failed. User not found");
@RequestMapping(path = "/register/:user", method = HttpMethod.GET)
public void register(RoutingContext rc) {
String user = rc.request().getParam("user");
if (user == null || user.isEmpty()) {
rc.response().setStatusCode(400).end("Invalid input");
if (!users.containsKey(user)) {
users.put(user, System.currentTimeMillis());
rc.response().end("Register success");
} else {
rc.response().setStatusCode(409).end("User exists");
@VertxletMapping(url = {"/id/:id", "/id"})
public class HelloExamples extends AbstractVertxlet {
protected void doGet(RoutingContext rc) throws Exception {
String id = rc.request().getParam("id");
if (id != null) {
JsonObject json = new JsonObject()
.put("id", id)
.put("ts", System.currentTimeMillis());
.putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
} else {
rc.response().end("Hello, current path: " + rc.request().path());
protected void doPost(RoutingContext routingContext) throws Exception {
public class ExampleRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String confPath = args[0];