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Classify the stock market with help of news headlines

Table of Content

  • Demo
  • Overview
  • Motivation
  • Data Collection
  • Data Cleaning
  • Vectorization(Bag of words)
  • Modeling
  • Deployement on Heroku
  • Installation and Run
  • Database Link
  • Future scope of the project

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Project output demo Link: []


The markets reflect rational behavior or human irrationality? Mass psychology's effects may not be the only factor driving the markets, but it’s unquestionably significant. This fascinating quality is something that we can measure and use to predict market movement with surprising accuracy levels. With the real-time information available to us on massive information in newspaper like Times of Inadia and Deccan Haeralad, we have all the data we could ever need to create these predictions. But then comes the question, how can our computer understand what this unstructured text data means? That is where sentiment analysis comes in. Sentiment analysis is a particularly interesting branch of Natural Language Processing (NLP), which is used to rate the language used in a body of text. Through sentiment analysis, we can take thousands of news about a company and judge whether they are generally positive or negative (the sentiment) in real-time! Developed these POC for to get experience real time projects and Created API using Streamlit Framework and Deployed to the Heroku Cloud platform


What to do when you are at home due to this pandemic situation? I started to learn Machine Learning model to get most out of it. I came to know mathematics behind all supervised models and unspurervised models. Finally it is important to work on application (real world application) to actually make a difference. To get a experience you have to work thats the reason to perform my favourable work done.

Data Collection

Stock sentimental analysis using news headlines dataset Extracted the Dataset from the Kaggle you can also extract the data from this link , Kaggle is an Open source and have a large community also they conduct competitions every month,Kaggle allows users to find and publish data sets, explore and build models in a web-based data-science environment, work with other data scientists and machine learning engineers, and enter competitions to solve data science challenges,Given the thousands of other people also doing them, it is becoming harder and harder for merely working through them to be enough to differentiate you. You'll learn a lot, but it won't make you stand out from your competition.Data scientists of all levels can benefit from the resources and community on Kaggle. Whether you are a beginner, looking to learn new skills and contribute to projects, an advanced data scientist looking for competitions, or somewhere in between, Kaggle is a good place to learn

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is the process of fixing or removing incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset. When combining multiple data sources, there are many opportunities for data to be duplicated or mislabeled. If data is incorrect, outcomes and algorithms are unreliable, even though they may look correct. There is no one absolute way to prescribe the exact steps in the data cleaning process because the processes will vary from dataset to dataset. But it is crucial to establish a template for your data cleaning process so you know you are doing it the right way every time.

In this project, we just split the data into two types are train data and test data to avoid data leakage for new data and remove the word punctuations and Renaming column names for easy access and converting all headlines into lowercase to get a unique word it means if word one contains 'Cycle' and 'cycle' Machine assumes both are different that's why converting all words into lower and after Join all 25 headline columns into one column to perform vectorization and same data cleaning procedure will also apply to the test data


Using Bag of Words Techniques for Vectorization

Text data is used in natural language processing (NLP), which interacts between humans and machines using natural language. Text data helps analyze movie reviews, products using Amazon reviews, etc. But the question that arises here is how to deal with text data when building a machine learning model? Text data is converted to a real-valued vector by various techniques. One such approach is Bag of Words (BoW), which will be discussed in this article. But why do we have to convert the text into a vector? Why can’t we use text data to build a machine learning model? Need for text vectorization Let’s say we have reviews of a product. Text reviews provided by the customers are of different lengths. By converting from text to numbers, we can represent a review by a finite length of the vector. In this way, the length of the vector will be equal for each review, irrespective of the text length. Bag of words is the most trivial representation of text into vectors. Each column of a vector represents a word. The values in each cell of a row show the number of occurrences of a word in a sentence.

To Know more about vectorization click here :



Model Training based on trial and error method or by experience, we select the algorithm and train with the selected features.Model evaluation Accuracy of the model , confusion matrix and cross-validation.If accuracy is not high, to achieve higher accuracy, we tune the model...either by changing the algorithm used or by feature selection or by gathering more data, etc.

Perfromed Model :

  • Random Forest --> 86%
  • Multinomial Navy Bayes --> 85%
  • XGBoost ---> 81%

after modelling saved the modeling to pickle file to deploy the model

Streamlit Framework

Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create and share beautiful, custom web apps for machine learning and data science. In just a few minutes you can build and deploy powerful data apps, We use the streamlit to develop the API for this project

Streamlit Tutorial : []

Deployement on Heroku

Once the model has good accuracy, we deploy the model either in the cloud or Rasberry py or any other place. Once we deploy, we monitor the performance of the model.if its good...we go live with the model or reiterate the all process until our model performance is good. It's not done yet!!! What if, after a few days, our model performs badly because of new data. In that case, we do all the process again by collecting new data and redeploy the model.

Heroku is a container-based cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS). Developers use Heroku to deploy, manage, and scale modern apps. Our platform is elegant, flexible, and easy to use, offering developers the simplest path to getting their apps to market.

Login or signup in order to create virtual app. You can either connect your github profile or download ctl to manually deploy this project.

Screenshots of Project

Screenshot 2021-09-23 at 8 31 20 PM

Screenshot 2021-09-23 at 8 32 20 PM

Screenshot 2021-09-23 at 8 31 35 PM

Installation and Run

The Code is written in Python 3.9 If you don't have Python installed you can find it here. If you are using a lower version of Python you can upgrade using the pip package, ensuring you have the latest version of pip. To install the required packages and libraries, run this command in the project directory after cloning the repository:

Install Required Libraries

 Step 1: pip install -r requirements.tx

Running Project

 Step 2: Streamlit run

Technologies Used

pandas. nltk

blog sklearn. numpy streamlit

Database Link :


Deploy Heroku tutorial video link :


Future Scope

  • Optimize Streamlit
  • Add extra Features
  • Develop Front-End