Sample project to showcase my android coding skills.
Tech stacks used:
- Kotlin - Programming Language
- MVVM - Android recommended arch. to seperate Business Logic from UI.
- Clean Code - guidelines adhered to build scalable, testable, and maintainable software.
- Unit Test Case for ViewModel, Repository
- Coroutine - recommended solution for Asynchronous Programming on Android.
- Hilt - Used for dependency injection.
- DataStore - replacement of SharedPref to store key value pairs data locally in device.
- Jetpack Navigation - helps you implement navigation.
- Retrofit - type-safe REST client, easier to consume RESTful web services.
- Recycler View - ViewGroup that implement horizontal, vertical and Expandable List.
- Facebook Shimmer sdk - replacement of progress bar.
- ViewPager 2 - slide between Fragments.
- Constraint Layout - lets you create large, complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy.
- Bottom Navigation View
- Tab Layout
- Build Type (debug/release) + Product Flavours (free/paid)