run make
to generate the executable
run ./a.out
to run the shell
run exit
to exit the shell
- The shell waits for the current process to execute
- Use '&' at the end of any command to invoke a background process
- The process will then run in the background and when exited, a message will be displayed
- ls takes arguments as flags (as -) and directories (as )
- It lists the files of the directory mentioned. If no directory is mentioned, it lists the files in the current directory
- lists in alphabetical orderls -l
- long listls -a
- display hidden filesls -al/-la
- long list including hidden files
cd <absolute path>
- goes to absolute pathcd
- goes to ~/cd ~/<pathname>
- goes to ~/cd ..
- goes to previous directorycd .
- stays in the same directory
- prints empty lineecho text
- prints text
- prints absolute path of current directory
- prints process info of the shellpinfo <pid>
- prints process info of given pid
- The shell inherits environment variables from the parent
- used to get the username
- exit the shell. The shell exits only when quit is typed
- Output of running one (or more) commands must be redirected to a file.
- The shell inherits environment variables from the parent
setenv var [value]
- If environment variable var does not exist, then it will create it.unsetenv var
- it will destroy the environment variable var.
- prints a list of all currently running jobs along with their pid. kjob <jobNumber> <signalNumber>
- takes the job id of a running job and sends a signal value to that process. fg <jobNumber>
-brings a running or a stopped background job with given job number to foreground. bg <jobNumber>
- changes a stopped background job to a running background job.-
- kills all background process at once. -
- It should change the status of currently running job to stop, and push it in background process -
: It should cause a SIGINT signal to be sent to the current foreground job of your shell . -
: executes a particular command in fixed time interval for a certain period.