Recommend to, Install any IDE in your system(eg: VScode etc..) Install nodejs from : Install kafka from :
Goto From the code tab copy the link. Using that link clone the repository into your local machine.
Let's make it more easy for you:
1. Create a new folder where you want to clone the repository.
2. Goto that directory through the terminal and execute the commands.
git clone
create a file named as .env in root directory of the project and copy below code into that file.
Add fallowing enviorment configs
start kafka
create the kafka topic and use the same in .env
# Notification Service Config
#Port on which service runs
#Application environment
APPLICATION_ENV = development
#Route after base url
APPLICATION_BASE_URL = /notification/
#Kafka endpoint
KAFKA_HOST = "localhost:9092"
#kafka topic name
KAFKA_TOPIC ="testTopic"
#kafka consumer group id
KAFKA_GROUP_ID = "notification"
#sendgrid api key
#sendgrid sender email address
SENDGRID_FROM_MAIL = "[email protected]"
npm i
To install the dependencies in your local machine.
npm start