This project highlights the use of deep learning for 3d point cloud classification of common objects using Standford's ShapeNet dataset.
- Pytorch
- Numpy
- Open3d
- OpenCV 4
- Download the ShapeNet datatset from the official website and add the main dataset folder to root directory
- Every python file has a root variable inside it. Change it to match the filename of the dataset folder
- run the file to visualize one random point cloud and it's corresponding segmentation image
- To train the model run the file. Change the outf variable to the desired folder name to store the trained models and create the corresponding folder. Change the corresponding data_root folder to match the downloaded dataset. The Open3d visualizations can be exited using the 'q' key. One can also change other hyperparameters like batch size and epoch number.
- To perform inference use the file. The script will display random point cloud objects from the test datatset and the terminal prints their classification result. Change the MODEL_PATH and root variables to match the saved trained model file path and dataset path respectively. One can also change the MAX_SAMPLES variable to determine the number of inference runs.