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Preparing the WPKG GP

Andrey Klimov edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Preparing the WPKG-GP

Preparing Group Policies

  • Configure via Group Policies;

  • How to disable asynchronous execution of GP;

  • How to enable verbose startup and shutdown messages;

  • Download ADMX files;

  • Copy the ADMX and ADML files to the folder %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions folder on the machine performing the group policy object editing. If you're using a central store, copy the ADMX and ADML files to the folder \\\SYSVOL\\Policies\PolicyDefinitions.

  • Add the user WpkgUser to the local administrators group:

    • Open Group Policy Management Console;
    • Navigate to path Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Restricted Groups;
    • Right click and choose Add Group and enter Administrators;
    • Add user. Note that any users that are currently in the local administrators group will be removed and replaced with the users from current list.
  • Allow the user WpkgUser log on as a service:

    • Open Group Policy Management Console;
    • Navigate to path Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Log on as a service;
    • Add user. Note that any users that are currently in the Log on as a service list will be removed and replaced with the users from current list.
  • Check WPKG-GP configuration via Group Policies:

    Computer Configuration
    +-- Policies
        +-- Windows Settings
            |   +-- Scripts (Logon/Logoff)
            |   |   +-- Logon
            |   |       +-- install_wpkg.cmd (see below)
            |   +-- Security Settings
            |       +-- Restricted Groups
            |       |   +-- BUILTIN\Administrators: FABRIKAM\WpkgUser
            |       +-- Local Policies
            |           +-- User Rights Assignment
            |               +-- Log on as a service: FABRIKAM\WpkgUser
            +-- Administrative templates
                +-- System
                |   +-- Group Policy
                |   |   +-- Startup policy processing wait time: Enabled
                |   |       +-- Amount of time to wait (in seconds): 30
                |   +-- Logon
                |       +-- Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon: Enabled
                +-- WPKG-GP
                    +-- Enable WPKG-GP and configure base settings: Enabled
                    |   +-- WPKG command: "%ProgramFiles%\Wpkg\wpkg.js"
                    |   +-- Disable WPKG-GP at boot-up: Disabled
                    +-- Miscellanous
                    |   +-- Enable activity indicator: Enabled
                    |   +-- Allow local users to execute WPKG-GP: Enabled
                    |   +-- Allow non-admins to execute WPKG-GP: Disabled
                    |   +-- Configure reboot options: Enabled
                    |   |   +-- Ignore reboot requests sent by wpkg.js: Disabled
                    |   |   +-- Limit number of reboots during single startup session: 3
                    |   +-- Set logging verbosity: Enabled
                    +-- Network
                        +-- Set number and timing of SMB connection attempts: Disabled
                        +-- Use specific credentials for network connections: Disabled
                        +-- Perform TCP test before SMB logon attempts: Enabled
                            +-- Host to test (IP or hostname):
                            +-- TCP port: 80
                            +-- Number of attempts: 5

Preparing a WPKG-GP configuration file

  • Create a WPKG-GP configuration file Wpkg-GP.ini:

    # If you want Wpkg-GP to run from local group policies, e.g. execute
    # without you configuring anything on the servers, set this to 1
    # Default: 1
    # Alternatives: 0 | 1
    EnableViaLGP = 0
    # If you want the settings configured in this config file to override
    # any settings set through the Group Policy administrative template for
    # Wpkg-GP, and deployed through Group Policies, set this to 1
    IgnoreGroupPolicy = 0
    # Do not execute Wpkg-GP at bootup. Other methods of executing will still work.
    # Default: 0
    # Alternatives: 0 | 1
    DisableAtBootUp = 0
    # The path to your wpkg.js here
    # This setting is required
    WpkgCommand = "%ProgramFiles%\Wpkg\wpkg.js"
    # The log level (a value between 0 and 3)
    WpkgVerbosity = 1
    # The user name WPKG will use for connecting to the network
    # Default: Not set
    # Example: CONTOSO\InstallUser
    WpkgNetworkUsername = 
    # The password WPKG will use when connecting to the network
    # The service will automatically convert a cleartext password to
    # an encrypted one the first time it is starting.
    # The password is unique to the computer and the user the service
    # is running as, so the encrypted password cannot be transferred to
    # other computers.
    # Default: Not set
    # Example: clear:P@$$w0rd
    # Note: If your password contains hashes (#'s), the entire string should
    #       be enclosed in double quotes to avoid it being interpreted as a
    #       inline comment.
    #       Example: WpkgNetworkPassword = "clear:P@$$#0rd"
    WpkgNetworkPassword =
    # The maximum number of consecutive reboots allowed before skipping
    # execution of Wpkg-GP
    WpkgMaxReboots = 3
    # Configure whether Wpkg-GP should initialize a reboot when Wpkg.js requests it, or not.
    # Alternatives: force | ignore
    # Default: force
    WpkgRebootPolicy = force
    # Configure whether users not in local administrators group
    # should be able to execute Wpkg-GP. Enabling this means that users
    # on other computers that is not a member of the local administrators
    # group on this computer can execute Wpkg-GP. Users that are a member
    # of the local Administrators group can always execute Wpkg-GP regardless
    # of this setting.
    # Alternatives: 1 | 0
    # Default: 0
    WpkgExecuteByNonAdmins = 0
    # Configure whether all local users on the computer should be able to execute Wpkg-GP.
    # This is necessary for the users to initiate installation of software themselves if
    # the setting WpkgExecuteByNonAdmins = 0
    # Alternatives: 1 | 0
    # Default: 1
    WpkgExecuteByLocalUsers = 1
    # Configure whether to show an activity indicator when Wpkg-GP is executing
    # Alternatives: 1 | 0
    # Default: 1
    WpkgActivityIndicator = 1
    # Configure if you want WPKG-GP to test the network connection with a
    # simple TCP-connect before trying to mount the share
    # This helps reduce boot stall on mobile clients as the timeout for a
    # tcp connect is set pretty short.
    TestConnectionHost =
    # Configure the port to connect to
    # Default: 445 (standard port for MS shares - alternative might be 139)
    TestConnectionPort = 80
    # Number of retries - increase if you have clients that connect slowly
    # Each try takes approx 2 seconds
    # Default: 5
    # TestConnectionTries = 5
    # Number in seconds WPKG-GP sleeps before retrying to test network connection again
    # Default: 2
    # TestConnectionSleepBeforeRetry = 2
    # Number of retries to mount share before giving up
    # Default: 7
    # ConnectionTries = 7
    # Number in seconds WPKG-GP sleeps before retrying to connect to share
    # Default: 5
    # ConnectionSleepBeforeRetry = 5
    # Specify environment variables you want Wpkg to have here
    # Example: SOFTWARE = \\file001\install\software
  • Copy the file Wpkg-GP.ini to %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Config\%Revision% and %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Common where:

    • %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON% - global variable containing the path to the WPKG script, e.g.: \\\NETLOGON;
    • %Revision% - current version of the WPKG configuration file, e.g., the modification date: 2018.12.05.
  • Create a XML package file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <packages:packages xmlns:packages="" xmlns:wpkg="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <package id="WPKG-GP-CONFIG" name="WPKG-GP Config" revision="2018.12.05" priority="10000" reboot="false">
        <!-- Notes: WPKG-GP configuration -->
        <variable name="ConfigFile" value="Wpkg-GP.ini"/>
        <variable name="ProgramDir" value="%ProgramFiles%\Wpkg-GP" architecture="x86"/>
        <variable name="ProgramDir" value="%ProgramW6432%\Wpkg-GP" architecture="x64"/>
        <variable name="Revision" value="2018.12.05"/>
        <variable name="RevI1" value="2018"/>
        <variable name="RevI2" value="12"/>
        <variable name="RevI3" value="05"/>
        <check type="file" condition="datemodifynewerthan" path="%ProgramDir%\%ConfigFile%" value="%RevI1%-%RevI2%-%RevI3% 00:00:00"/>
          <command type="install" include="remove"/>
          <command type="install" cmd="%COMSPEC% /C xcopy &quot;%SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Config\%Revision%\%ConfigFile%&quot; &quot;%ProgramDir%\&quot; /E /Q /H /R /Y" timeout="60"/>
          <command type="upgrade" include="install"/>
          <command type="downgrade" include="install"/>
          <command type="remove" cmd="%COMSPEC% /C del /F /Q &quot;%ProgramDir%\%ConfigFile%&quot;" timeout="30">
              <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%ProgramDir%\%ConfigFile%"/>
  • Update package revision;

  • Update the variables Revision, RevI1, RevI2 and RevI3;

  • Open WPKG Express 2 in web browser and navigate to menu Application settings -> Uploading XML;

  • Upload created XML file or simply navigate to menu Application settings -> Creating XML, paste this XML into the editor and click the Create button.

Preparing translation files for WPKG-GP

  • Translation and Customisation
  • Get the latest wpkg-gp.pot which contains all text parts which can be translated and open it up in the translation editor.
  • Translate every string (or only the ones you want to customize), save it as *.po file for future modifications and finally generate a catalog *.mo file.
  • Copy the file to %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Common\locale\%COUNTRYCODE%\LC_MESSAGES, where:
    • %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON% - global variable containing the path to the WPKG script, e.g.: \\\NETLOGON;
    • %COUNTRYCODE% - Look at the gnuttext manual for the 2 character code of your country. 4 character codes seperated by "_" can also be used (e.g. de_at for German - Austria or en_GB for English - Britain).

Preparing the WPKG-GP service

  • Download and install AutoIt;

  • Create a AutoIt script file ConfigService.au3:

    Const $WPKG_DIR = 'Wpkg-GP'
    Const $WPKG_GP_SERVICE = 'WpkgServer.exe'
    Const $WPKG_USER = 'FABRIKAM\WpkgUser'
    Const $WPKG_PSWD = 'passw0rd'
    Func main()
       Local $sProgramFiles = '', $sWpkgPath = '', $sWpkgServicePath = ''
       If @OSArch = 'x86' Then
          $sProgramFiles = EnvGet('ProgramFiles')
          $sProgramFiles = EnvGet('ProgramW6432')
       $sWpkgPath = $sProgramFiles & '\' & $WPKG_DIR
       $sWpkgServicePath = $sWpkgPath & '\' & $WPKG_GP_SERVICE
       If Not FileExists($sWpkgServicePath) Then
       RunWait($sWpkgServicePath & ' --username ' & $WPKG_USER & ' --password ' & $WPKG_PSWD & ' update', $sWpkgPath, @SW_HIDE)
       If @error Then
       RunWait($sWpkgServicePath & ' restart', $sWpkgPath, @SW_HIDE)
       If @error Then
  • Edit constants $WPKG_USER and $WPKG_PSWD;

  • Compile and build script;

  • Copy the ConfigService.exe file to %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Common, where:

    • %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON% - global variable containing the path to the WPKG script, e.g.: \\\NETLOGON.

Preparing a WPKG-GP

  • Download WPKG-GP for all architecture;

  • Copy the Wpkg-GP-%Revision%_w7_%ARCH%.exe files to %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\GP\%Revision%\%ARCH%, where:

    • %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON% - global variable containing the path to the WPKG script, e.g.: \\\NETLOGON;
    • %Revision% - current version of the WPKG-GP, e.g.: 0.17.17;
    • %ARCH% - architecture x86 or x64.
  • Create a XML package file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <packages:packages xmlns:packages="" xmlns:wpkg="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <package id="WPKG-GP" name="WPKG-GP" revision="0.17.17" priority="10000" reboot="false">
        <!-- Notes: WPKG-GP. -->
        <variable name="ConfigFile" value="Wpkg-GP.ini"/>
        <variable name="Domain" value=""/>
        <variable name="Revision" value="0.17.17"/>
        <variable name="RevI1" value="0"/>
        <variable name="RevI2" value="17"/>
        <variable name="RevI3" value="17"/>
        <variable name="Installer" value="Wpkg-GP-%Revision%_w7_%ARCH%.exe"/>
        <variable name="ProgramDir" value="%ProgramFiles%\Wpkg-GP" architecture="x86"/>
        <variable name="ProgramDir" value="%ProgramW6432%\Wpkg-GP" architecture="x64"/>
        <variable name="WpkgCommand" value="%ProgramFiles%\Wpkg\wpkg.js" architecture="x86"/>
        <variable name="WpkgCommand" value="%ProgramW6432%\Wpkg\wpkg.js" architecture="x64"/>
        <variable name="Uninstaller" value="uninstall.exe"/>
        <depends package-id="WPKG-SCRIPT"/>
        <chain package-id="WPKG-GP-Client"/>
        <chain package-id="WPKG-GP-CONFIG"/>
        <check type="logical" condition="or">
          <check type="logical" condition="not">
            <check type="host" condition="domainname" value="%Domain%"/>
          <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Wpkg-GP %Revision%.*"/>
          <command type="install" include="remove"/>
          <command type="install" cmd="&quot;%SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\%Revision%\%ARCH%\%Installer%&quot; /S /INI &quot;%SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Common\%ConfigFile%&quot; /WpkgCommand &quot;%WpkgCommand%&quot; /D=%ProgramDir%" timeout="120">
            <exit code="0" reboot="postponed"/>
          <command type="install" cmd="%ComSpec% /C xcopy &quot;%SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Common\locale&quot; &quot;%ProgramDir%\locale&quot; /E /Q /H /R /Y" timeout="30"/>
          <command type="install" cmd="%SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%\WPKG\Client\GP\Common\ConfigService.exe" timeout="60"/>
          <command type="upgrade" include="install"/>
          <command type="downgrade" include="install"/>
          <command type="remove" cmd="%ProgramDir%\%Uninstaller% /S _?=%ProgramDir%" timeout="120">
              <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%ProgramDir%\%Uninstaller%"/>
  • Check package revision;

  • Check the variables Revision, RevI1, RevI2, RevI3 and Domain;

  • Open WPKG Express 2 in web browser and navigate to menu Application settings -> Uploading XML;

  • Upload created XML file or simply navigate to menu Application settings -> Creating XML, paste this XML into the editor and click the Create button.

Preparing install WPKG-GP

  • Create a command file install_wpkg.cmd:

    @Echo off
    cscript.exe //NoLogo %_WPKG_SCRIPT_PATH%\wpkg.js /synchronize /quiet:true /nonotify:true /noreboot:true /sendStatus:false /noremove:true /norunningstate:true

  • Copy the install_wpkg.cmd file to logon script location, e.g. \\\SYSVOL\\Policies\{GUID}\Machine\Scripts\Startup:

    • Open Group Policy Management Console;
    • Navigate to path Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Scripts (Logon/Logoff) and double click to Logon in the right-hand pane;
    • In the Logon properties window, click Show Files... ;
    • Paste the logon script install_wpkg.cmd and close the window;
    • In the Logon properties window, click Add;
    • In the Add a Script window, click Browse, select script file, click Open and OK buttons.

WPKG directory structure:

The structure of the directory WPKG located in the %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%

+-- Client
    +-- GP
        +-- 0.17.17
        |   +-- x64
        |   |   +-- Wpkg-GP-0.17.17_w7_x64.exe
        |   +-- x86
        |       +-- Wpkg-GP-0.17.17_w7_x86.exe
        +-- Common
        |   +-- locale
        |   |   +-- ru
        |   |       +-- LC_MESSAGES
        |   |           +--
        |   +-- ConfigService.exe
        |   +-- Wpkg-GP.ini
        +-- Config
            +-- 2018.12.05
                +-- Wpkg-GP.ini

Graph of the package WPKG-GP

Graph of the package