#Wifi Config Utility - NodeMcu#
This is aimed to bring in the configuration of NodeMcu as easy as possible.
- This is LightWeight Wifi Config Utility for NodeMCU based ESP8266 Chipsets.
- Connect your NodeMcu to any Win/Mac PC and establish serial connection.
- Once serial communicaiton is established, using ESPlorer copy these files to your Node.
- Conenct to Wifi (Node AP - SSID:ESPConfigTool and Password:"espConfigTool") using any device and go to address in your browser.
- Select your SSID and Enter your Password.
- Click save and enjoy :)
Contributors can use "scada.lua " to use ESP module once it is connected to internet.
##DONE :##
- Memory Efficient.
- Light Code Footprint
- Wifi Fallback if Configured AP configuration is invalid.
###TODO :###
- HTML Beautification
- Secure Transactions